
    3 Design content

    According to the construction plan, combined with the local meteorological basic data the design for B district of Wanda Plaza is as follows:

    (1) Air conditioning cooling load calculation

    (2) Comparison and selection of scheme for air conditioning system

    (3) Selection of terminal equipment

    (4) Design and hydraulic calculation of air conditioning air system

    (5) Design and hydraulic calculation of air conditioning water system

    (6) Design of exhaust and smoke control system

    (7) Selection of other devices; heat preservation, shock absorption and noise reduction and other content.

    4 The main design work

    Complete the load calculation of the air conditioning system in the area. According to room load, room function and building plan to choose air conditioning system form. Then type and layout terminal equipment. Then design air conditioning air system, water system, including the layout of the wind pipe, pipe line, select the form of air outlet, etc.. After that, start the design and hydraulic calculation of air conditioning air system and air conditioning water system. Finally, draw the design drawing and the design manual.

     目  录

    1 概况 1

    1.1 工程概况 1

    1.2 设计参数 1

    1.2.1 室外设计参数 1

    1.2.2室内设计参数 1

    2 空调负荷计算 3

    2.1 冷负荷的组成 3

    2.1.1 房间的冷负荷组成 3

    2.1.2 房间湿负荷的构成 3

    2.1.3 系统冷负荷的构成 3

    2.2 冷负荷计算方法 4

    2.3 空调负荷计算公式及依据 4

    2.3.1 人体冷负荷 4

    2.3.2 人体湿负荷 4

    2.3.3 灯光冷负荷 5

    2.3.4 设备冷负荷 5

    2.3.5 新风冷负荷 5

    2.3.6 新风湿负荷 6

    2.3.7 外墙和屋面冷负荷 6

    2.3.8 外窗冷负荷 6

    2.3.9 围护结构基本散热计算 7

    2.3.10 附加耗热量 7

    2.3.11 通过门、窗缝隙的冷风渗透量 8

    2.3.12 新风热负荷 8

    2.4 房间负荷统计结果 8

    3 空调系统方案 9

    3.1 空调系统方案的比较 9

    3.2 空调系统方案的选择 11

    4 风机盘管加新风系统选型计算 12

    4.1 送风方式的确定 12

    4.2 典型房间的选型 12

    4.3 各房间风机盘管选型 14

    4.4 新风机组的选型 16

    5.1 常见气流组织形式 18

    5.2 送风方式的选择 19

    5.3 气流组织计算 19

    5.4 散流器气流组织的计算

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