




    Abstract Bill of quantities is the performance of the proposed sub-project engineering project, project, other projects and the corresponding quantity list. While the engineering quantity list valuation refers to all the expenses provided by the tenderer bidder to complete the quantities required, including project sub-Engineering fee, fee, fee, other measures of project fees and taxes. Through this graduation design practice, can be more skilled master compilation method of engineering quantity list and the establishment basis, the combination of theory and practice, for future work to pave the way.The design for the Beijing 2 office buildings of the project quantity list valuation, small paper for the engineering quantity list valuation and valuation of quota valuation mode analysis two. Engineering quantity list includes all civil engineering and decoration engineering sub-item engineering quantity list, in accordance with the "standard of valuation with bill quantity of construction works on the engineering quantity calculation method of Engineering quantity. List valuation system includes a sub-part of the project, a comprehensive price analysis meter, meter meter measures and other projects. Through the "Jiangsu province construction and decoration of the meter" on the quota to engineering items, so as to calculate the comprehensive price, finally calculates the total cost. Small paper through comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages in current society two valuation model, to summarize the cost of future trends and market with the use of these two kinds of pricing model so that cost is more scientific, reasonable.

    The specific process through the study of engineering quantity list valuation, learn the method of engineering quantity list preparation and inventory, to understand the advantages and disadvantages of current valuation mode, and learning a two cost models use each other, make the cost become more accurate, more scientific.

    Keywords: engineering quantity list valuation; valuation of quo


    第一章  绪论 1

    第二章 工程量清单 3

    2.1 填表须知 4

    2.2 总说明 5

    2.3 分部分项工程量清单 6

  1. 上一篇:大型工程项目的环境影响评价研究
  2. 下一篇:大体积混凝土施工裂缝产生原因及预防研究
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