
    摘要基坑工程是一个历史很久远的工程课题了,基坑支护为确保地下结构施工和基坑周围的环境安全,所以对基坑侧壁及周边环境采用的支的挡保护措施。根据不同的地质情况与现场边界条件,开挖时基坑工程的支护形式多种多样 ,对特定的地质环境和周边环境选取合适的支护方案方法非常的重要的。本文使用了排桩和锚杆支护并根据建筑基坑支护规范及其他相关的重要文献对排桩支护进行了准确的验算。在整个设计的过程中,结合了理论研究、工程实例经验和理正深基坑设计软件来分析确定了相关的设计参数,并且进行了验算。对排桩支护结构主要进行了整体稳定性验算、抗倾覆稳定性验算和抗隆起稳定性的验算。最后在施工组织说明里阐述了施工工艺和和应该注意的一些问题。504949


    Abstract Excavation engineering is an ancient geotechnical engineering subject which has times features, sloping excavation and simple stake palisade can be traced back to ancient times. To ensure the safety of the underground structure construction and the surrounding environment of foundation pit, foundation pit supporting use the measures of retaining, reinforcement and protective for the pit wall and surrounding environment. According to different geological conditions and site boundary conditions, the support form of excavation engineering is varied. This paper uses the row pile supporting .In the design process, I combines theory and engineering example and the software of Lizheng deep foundation pit to analyze the design parameters , then checking. I mainly do the internal stability checking and external stability checking for soil nailing support structure ,external stability checking include anti-sliding stability checking and resistive overturning stability checking. The main checking measures for row pile supporting structure is the overall stability checking, resistive overturning stability checking and resistance to uplift stability checking.Finally ,through the construction organization describes the construction process of the method and the problem which should be noted.

    Keywords:deep foundation, row pile, stability

    目    录

    第一章 前言 9

    第二章  基坑基本概况 11

    2.1 基坑工程概况 11

    2.1.1 工程概况 11

    2.1.2 周边环境 11

    2.2 地质条件 11

    2.2.1 工程地质条件 11

    2.2.2 水文地质条件: 11

    2.2.3地质计算参数: 12

    第三章 支护方案 12

    3.1 基坑支护方案选择 12

    3.2计算方案 12

    3.3 基坑监测 13

    第四章 基坑支护结构设计计算书 14

    4.1 设计计算 14

    4.1.1地质计算参数 14

    4.1.2计算区段划分 14

    4.1.3计算方法 14

    4.1.4土压力系数计算 15

        4.2  AB段支护结构设计计算 15

    4.2.2土层侧向土压力计算 15

    4.2.3 土压力强度零点位置计算

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