

    本基坑开挖深度局部大约6.00米,北高南低,挖深面积较大,本基坑支护设计安全等级取二级,即重要性系数 。51234





    The project is located at core area of Nan Xu Xin Cheng. The training center is on north-east side of the land, with total construction area of 35911 M2. The level of ±0.000 of the project is 23.00M above sea level, Yellow Sea Elevation System. The level of underground parking lots is -5.1M. 

    The excavation depth of foundation pit is about 10M. Safety grade of supporting design of this foundation pit is Level III. Importance Factor, .

    The development of supporting plan of this foundation pit was on consideration of geological, environmental, excavation and many other facts. Deformation-control- design was applied, since a main road is nearby. The system of supporting structure consists of cast-in-situ bored piles, and cement mixing piles as sealing curtain.

    This Design includes subjects of supporting system selection, strength calculation of envelop enclosure, deformation calculation, soil stability calculation for both inner  and outer side, infiltration calculation, dewatering calculation, calculation results check, as well as Construction Organization Design. In Construction Organization Design, you can find detailed methods of dewatering and water-drainage, earth excavation, exaction precautions and emergency measures, etc...

    Keywords: cast-in-situ bored pile, structural calculations, stability checking calculation

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 选题的背景与目的意义 1

    1.2 深基坑工程技术发展概况 2

    1.2.1 深基坑工程的概念及特点 2

    1.2.2 基坑工程的国内外研究现状 3

    1.2.3 基坑工程技术的发展趋势 4

    第二章  基坑围护结构选型及说明 5

    2.1 工程简介 5

    2.2 工程地质和水文地质条件 5

    2.2.1 工程地质概况 5

    2.2.2 水文地质条件 7

    2.3 基坑周边环境条件 7

    2.4 基坑开挖深度 7

    2.5 基坑侧壁安全等级及重要性系数 8

    2.6 编制和设计依据 8

    2.7 围护方案简介 8

    2.7.1 围护结构 8

    2.7.2 支锚系统

  1. 上一篇:某小区钻孔灌注桩加锚杆的基坑支护结构设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:常兴书店营业楼设计+CAD图纸
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  6. 镇江某酒店暖通空调系统设计+CAD图纸

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