
    摘要本设计为银行办公楼的设计,建筑总长50.4米,总宽17.4米,建筑主体高度30.3米,,总建筑面积约为7062 左右。




     Abstract The design for the design of bank office building, building a total length of 50.4 meters, 17.4 meters wide, 30.3 meters high, the main building, a total construction area of about 7062.

     Building type selection of the design is determined according to the given conditions and relevant building codes, the building as a standard within the gallery, and carried on the structure design, determine the structure scheme selection, calculation of dead load, live load and internal frame, and according to the internal force combination the reinforcement design of beam and column. In addition, also the selection and calculation of the stairs, two-way slab and foundation. The structure must be able to withstand all load and not part of damage and collapse, to calculate the internal forces of the corresponding amplitude modulation, the control section bending moment distribution of beam and column is more balanced, more close to the reality, which makes the structure design more safe and reasonable.

     The framework for the 7 degree seismic design, first for the calculation of vertical load using the moment two methods of distribution, including dead load, live load, then use the D method for calculating lateral load, seismic load and wind load are calculated, and then based on the combination of internal force, reinforcement calculation. Complete building plans using graphics software, structure diagram

    Keywords  frame structure; structure; architectural design; structure calculation; calculation; calculation of reinforcement

     目  录

    1 工程概况 1

    1.1工程概述 1

    1.2结构设计依据 1

    1.3材料选用 1

    2 建筑设计 2

    2.1 建筑平面设计 2

    2.2 建筑立面设计 2

    2.3 屋顶设计 2

    3 结构方案的选择及结构布置 3

    3.1结构方案 3

    3.2结构布置 3

    3.3柱网尺寸及层高 4

    3.4梁、柱截面尺寸的初步确定 4

    3.5楼板选择 5

    3.6结构横向框架的计算简图 5

    4 竖向荷载作用下的内力计算 6

    4.1计算单元: 6


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