





    毕业论文关键词: 钢框架;抗震设计;荷载计算;节点验算;强度验算

    Abstract  The graduation design is a seismic design of 12-floor Steel residential buildings withs teel frame structure, the major part is the structure design. Structure design is simply using structure language to express the engineer must express things. Structure language is structure from building and other professional drawings of the structure of refining simplified out elements, including basic, walls,column, beam, plate, stair,detail figure, etc. Then use these structural elements to form a building or structure system, including the structure of vertical and horizontal bearing and resistance system, again with all the load produced the most concise style to deliver to the foundation.Structural design stage can be pided into three stages:

    First,structure scheme stage: according to the importance of building construction, location of the seismic fortification intensity, engineering geology exploration report, the building site of the category and the height of the building and layer to determine the building structure form, this project USES is the framework structure;

    Second,structure calculation stages: including the load calculation, internal force calculation and component calculation;

    Third,working drawing design phase:according to the calculation results, to finally determine component layout and component reinforcement and according to the requirement of the specifications to determine the structure component structural measures.

         This paper also conducts the strength of the frame column steel frame structure calculation and overall stability checking calculation and node design, and the stair design, floor design and foundation design, etc.

    Keywords:Steel frame; structural design;Load calculation;Node checking;  Strength calculation


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 工程背景 1

    1.1.1设计资料 1

    1.1.2材料 1

    1.2 本章小结 2

    第二章 钢框架建筑设计 3

    2.1建筑设计概况 3

    2.2建筑方案设计 3

    2.3本章小结 4

    第三章 钢框架结构设计                                             5

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