




    Abstract My project is a reinforced frame construction office building,which contain 6 floors.In this area ,the intensity of earthquake resistance is 7.The rank of the earthquake resistance is 3.

    The design process follows the order: firstly, architectural design; secondly, structural design; lastly, the foundation design. The architectural design, according to the master plan of the building, the site condition, peripheral urban environment, and characteristic of the base design the building plain at first. Structural design maintains close ties with the architectural design, which is based on current relevant codes. 

    This project adopts cast-in-place reinforced concrete structure (transverse bearing), which has chosen a representative frame to calculate. Vertical load function adopts moment distribution method, i used the lamination calculation method D method is used in the calculation of frame endogenic force under the horizontal load function.I used the theory of plastic in the design of the floors.I have used the reinforced concrete step shape independent foundation,finally I have use the board style staircase in my project.

    Keywords :office;Reinforced Concrete;Frame Construction;Foundation

    目  录

    第一章 建 筑 设 计 1

      1.1 工程概况 1

      1.2 建筑物功能与特点 1

        1.2.1 设计原则 1  

        1.2.2 建筑造型 1

    1.2.3 平面设计 1

    1.2.4 窗设计 2

    1.2.5 门设计 3

        1.2.6交通联系空间设计 3

        1.2.7 防火设计 5

        1.2.8抗震设计 6

        1.2.9 屋面设计 6

    1.2.10墙体设计 6

    1.2.11 墙面装饰 7

    1.2.12 楼地面构造 7

    第二章 结构计算书 9

      2.1 原始资料 9  

      2.2 结构选型 9

      2.3 结构计算 9

        2.3.1 确定计算简图 9

        2.3.2 初定构件截面尺寸 10

      2.4 荷载计算 11

    2.4.1 内外墙荷载标准值 11

        2.4.2 屋面及楼面永久荷载标准值 12

      2.5 活荷载确定

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