





    Abstract Group locates  in ZhenJiang Province. It consists of five stories, 18.95m high. The first story is 4.55m high, and the others stories are 3.6m high. In the top story.    

        Architectural part: According to its geography situation and all requisite functions and others conditions, we carry out architecture about the plane layout, vertical plane and vertical sections, etc. At this time, we try our best to make the building beautiful, economical and useful.

        Structural part: The structure form is a frame structure, all of the columns, beams, and slabs are cast-in-site. Foundations are independent foundations under columns, and we finish the drawing of the structural design for the next construction at last.

        One lateral frame and slab was selected and calculated.First,depth and width of sections were determined,and dead load ,live load,wind load were determined.Then the internal forces of the structure under vertical load were calculated.The D-method was used for caculating the wind load.After the combination of internal forces,the most unfavorable combination of internal forces was identified.Then the necessary reinforcement in beams and columns was determined.The elastic theory was used for calculating slab.In addition,the single-foundation and combined foundation were designed.The stairway and canopy were also designed.Finally according to the calculated results and detail, blueprints of the structure had been completed.

    Key word: Frame structure;Cast-in-site;structural design;internal force

    目  录

    第一章 设计依据 1

    1.1 工程名称 1

    1.2 工程概况 1

    1.3 工程情况 1

    1.4 荷载及抗震设防要求 1

    1.5 材料强度等级 2

    1.6 屋面、楼地面做法参见建筑施工图 2

    第二章 结构布置及梁柱线刚度 3

    2.1 结构布置 3

    2.1.1 框架柱 3

    2.1.2 框架梁 3

    2.1.3楼板厚度的确定 4

    2.2 梁柱线刚度计算及框架计算简图确定 5

    2.2.1 框架梁柱的线刚度计算 5

    2.2.2 计算简图 6

    第三章 荷载计算

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