    1 结构设计方案技术上可行且经济合理。
    2 PKPM计算模型与建筑施工图一致且符合现行规范要求,保证构件设计到位、荷载收集准确、总信息设置符合现行规范、计算结果贴近规范规定值。
    3 制图符合国家标准,梁柱墙平法标注符合国家标准图集要求,图面美观、表达清晰到位、构造设计符合现行规范要求。
    Design topics located in Jining City, Shandong Province, the structure of type wall structure, seismic fortification intensity is 6 degrees, the seismic acceleration of 0.05g, venue category of II, the design earthquake grouped into the first group, the basement floor 17 floors.
    High-rise buildings of reinforced concrete shear wall is an important basic components, and vertical load-bearing frame column, compared with a vertical height of a large, flat long and relatively small thickness and other characteristics, are concrete structures in the "thin" member . Capacity and in-plane shear stiffness in and have an outstanding advantages, but longer and thinner due to length, need to consider their plane shear deformation and avoid stress and other adverse conditions.
             Initially three weeks for a grid layout, load calculations, design and dimensions of the beam to be assembled. After 13 weeks for the preparation of calculations, basic design and construction drawings. Construction drawing include: pile layout, walls, columns layout, beam, plate reinforcement drawing, stairs raft reinforcement detailing and drawing. Computer software use PKPM structural adjustment and the overall modeling seismic design, and data analysis results obtained after the preliminary design model to constantly adjust, to be required to meet the relevant specifications of the control indicators, based on the results derived PKPM software end, considering the economy and the construction technology and other factors of each structural member reinforcement design.
             The overall design reaches the following conclusions:
              A structural design is technically feasible and economically reasonable.
              2 PKPM model consistent with the construction drawings and in accordance with current regulatory requirements, ensure component design in place, load the collection of accurate, the total information that meet the current specification, the results close to the specification values.
              3 graphics meet the national standard, flat wall beams marked in line with national standard atlas law requirements, drawing beautiful, articulate in place, the structure designed to meet the current regulatory requirements.
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