

    毕业论文关键词: 地震、框架结构、分层法、荷载内力组合、截面设计、办公楼52593


    The graduation project titled Zhangjiagang Young Scotia government building designs. Design elements include architectural design, structural design. The design of the underlying principal is five-storey height of 5.5 meters to 3.9 meters remaining total construction area of nearly 3600 square meters. After a detailed demonstration program, we decided to use the upper structure of vertical and horizontal load-bearing structure of reinforced concrete frame basis using independent foundation under column, stairs plate type stairs. Because the project seismic intensity of 7 degrees, so I do not consider vertical seismic action. Functions satisfy people Intelligent Office's requirements. Be able to take full advantage of the limited space to make the layout more reasonable. In the base shear method determined by the level of seismic action after the completion of the D value method under horizontal seismic forces framework of a combination of specimens of calculation. Layered France and France respectively, completed the dead load and live load under the most unfavorable arrangement of force calculation, followed by seismic effect of structural members and other basic combination of load effects and no seismic effect with other combinations of two basic load effects case, the combination of the framework forces, drawn frame beam control forces, and thus completed the beam cross-section reinforcement calculation. Conducted an independent member-based calculation and sporadic calculations. With Tengen 2013, AutoCAD2010, PKPM2005 software engineering calculations and draw the architectural and structural drawings.

    Keywords:earthquake, frame structure, stress, Stratification, load effect combination, section design,office building

    第一章 工程概况 2

    第二章  结构计算书 3

    2.1  结构体系的选取 3

    2.2  计算单元的选取 3

    2.2.1  结构布置及结构计算荷载图的确定 3

    2.2.2  框架梁柱的线刚度计算 4

    2.3  荷载计算 6

    2.3.1  恒荷载计算 6

    2.3.2  活荷载计算 9

    2. 4   风荷载计算 10

    2. 5   地震作用计算 14

    2. 6   恒荷载作用下的内力计算

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