
    The main contents are included in the design: the background and significance of research; air-conditioned room cooling load calculation; various types of air-conditioning equipment selection; duct pipes draw graphs; airflow calculation; pipe duct hydraulic calculation; construction drawing; write instructions. Reference literature mainly "practical heating and air conditioning Design Manual" (second edition), "civil heating, ventilation and air conditioning design specifications" (GB50736-2012), "architectural design code for fire protection" (GB50016-2014) and the like.

    Air conditioning duct systems design procedure consists of the following components: calculated cooling load of the air conditioner room-by; air conditioning equipment selection; arrangement of wind pipes and equipment; draw a plan of indoor air duct; be duct hydraulic calculation, determine the pipe section tube diameter; and finally draw the ventilation system plan and system diagram. Air conditioning water system design, follow these steps: Select the air conditioning water system; arrangement of air conditioning water system; water fan coil system design, including hydraulic calculation chilled water supply and return water to determine the diameter of each section of pipe, calculate the most unfavorable loop pressure supply and return water pipeline losses; checking whether the primary program is reasonably practicable; choice of air conditioning water system pipe; piping and equipment layout; and finally draw a plan view of a water system and the system.

    Cooling load cooling load calculations include the roof and exterior walls of the cooling load, cooling load outside the windows, the indoor heat source (lighting, equipment, etc.) formed by the body heat cooling load and cooling load generated by lighting and so on. Air conditioning equipment selection has been calculated based on the cooling load, load wet and fresh air through the fan coil selection guide to choose the right equipment. Duct arrangement is first derived based on the number of load calculation results are arranged in each room fan coil, and then evenly arranged according to each area, arranged a suitable number of new air handling units according to the load calculation results; pipe fan coil based primarily on location set. Hydraulic calculation is based on the already calculated load flow, diameter, tube length, and supply and return water temperature, layer by layer is calculated.

       This design is for air conditioning system design of Zhongxiang international hotel C zone in Shanghai , Zhongxiang international hotelfor a total of nine, basement, ground eight, a total construction area of about 7303.5㎡ area of approximately 811.5㎡. Basement storey 5.1m, ground floor storey 4.5m, two to four layers of high 4.2m, five to eight layers of high 3.6m, total building height 30.7m. The design area of 3246㎡ air conditioning, air-conditioned room types are mainly hotel and hostel rooms. Use Hongye HVAC load calculation software 8.0-conditioned room area of the building load calculations were performed, the fifth floor of the total cooling load in summer indoor 28171.35W, winter indoor total heat load 63526.15W, summer indoor cooling load indicators 83.15W / m2, the winter indoor heat load indicators 192.78W / m2. Sixth, seventh floor of the total cooling load in summer indoor 26925.2W, winter indoor total heat load 56233.63W, summer indoor cooling load indicators 80.47W / m2, the winter indoor heat load indicators 177.08W / m2. Eighth floor of the total cooling load in summer indoor 33295.31W, winter indoor total heat load 62137.21W, summer indoor cooling load indicators 94.19W / m2, the winter indoor heat load indicators 189.79W / m2. Consider the building as a hotel, from meeting customer comfort and energy-saving air-conditioning system operating point of view, all rooms are air fan coil system airflow forms of organization to send side, mainly on account of its small footprint, low noise and easy to control and so on.

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