    The study on security management and monitoring system of a business building
    Abstract: The rapid development of market economy makes business building become a major hub of talent, resources, information. I analysed the current business building’s safety management, and I find that security management of a business building at the present stage is relatively backward.Falling objects, fire, theft and other security issues have become increasingly prominent, so for the study on security management and monitoring system of a business building is imperative. The research of this paper is a business building with leisure, culture, entertainment, office integrated . The research contents include fire, theft, electrical appliances, monitoring system and other data, and it is based on the relevant system and score  standards. First I established the security score. Through the analysis of the hidden danger in the business building accident, harm degree influenced the selected security score.Study on the evaluation index system determines the total score proportion.Security scale is a comprehensive index system, and it is an important part of creating security management and monitoring system.Finally, I completed the establishment of security management and monitoring system of a business building.
    Keywords:    security management;monitoring system;score standard.
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 本文研究的背景和意义    1
    1.2 国内外商务楼安全管理研究现状        1
    1.2.1 国内商务楼安全管理研究现状    1
    1.2.2 国外商务楼安全管理研究现状    2
    1.3 本文的内容安排    2
    2.某商务楼简介    3
    2.1 项目基本情况    3
    2.2 建筑布局    3
    2.3 某商务楼安全事故统计    5
    3.商务楼主要的事故隐患以及防治对策    7
    3.1 事故隐患    7
    3.1.1 火灾    7
    3.1.2 偷窃    8
    3.1.3 高空坠物    8
    3.1.4 电梯事故    8
    3.1.5 踩踏    9
    3.1.6 触电    9
    3.1.7 物体打击    9
    3.1.8 自然灾害    9
    3.2 主要安全防治对策    9
    3.2.1 火灾的防治对策    9
    3.2.2 几种常见的防盗措施    10
    3.2.3 预防高空坠物    10
    3.2.4 预防电梯事故    11
    3.2.5 预防踩踏    12
    3.2.6 预防触电    12
    3.2.7 预防物体打击    13
    3.2.8 防自然灾害    13
    3.3事故隐患分析    13
    4.权重指标的建立    14
    4.1层次分析法方法介绍    14
    4.2确定商务楼体系指标权重    15
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