The air conditioning scheme is adopted in the design of the primary return air system air system. All air system is completely cold and heat load by air to take the room. A full air system provides cold heat to the room through the cold air transport, air cooling, dehumidification air handling units to complete treatment in the air conditioning room in the room, no supplemental cooling, for transport to the heated air in the room can be completed in the air conditioning room, can also be composed in the room. A full air system for one or more service area, it has the following advantages: a special filter section, air dehumidification capacity strong; air ventila-tion. Adequate air pollution; in the early autumn excessive season can achieve new wind opera-tion, saving energy consumption
The cold and heat source is adopted in the design of the direct fired LiBr double cold (hot) water unit. This unit can not only provide the cold source in summer and in winter can also pro-vide heat, suitable for non centralized heating area. The lithium bromide cold (hot) water unit has the advantages of simple processing, convenient operation, can realize stepless adjustment, movement less parts, low noise, small vibration, no damage to the ozone and low cost, high heat of taste requirements, the advantages of the operation cost; for heat pump in hot summer and cold winter area in China with environmental protection and energy saving, cooling and heating, the advantages of no water cooling system and heating boiler, in our
country will play more and more important role.
KeyWords:All air system primary return air system
1 工程概况 2
1.1 原始资料2
1.2 各参数资料2
1.2.1 室外计算参数2
1.2.2 室外计算参数2
1.2.3 围护结构参数3
2 负荷计算5
2.1 负荷计算公式5
2.1.1 外墙与屋面传热冷负荷计算公式5
2.1.2 外窗的温差传热冷负荷5
2.1.3 外窗太阳辐射冷负荷5
2.1.4 内维护结构传热冷负荷6
2.1.5 人体冷负荷7
2.1.6 灯光冷负荷7
2.1.7 设备冷负荷8
2.1.8 食物的显热冷负荷9
2.1.9 散热量与潜热冷负荷9
2.2 楼层房间负荷统计结果11
3 空调系统方案确定12
3.1 空调系统方案比较12
3.2 方案的确定13
3.3 空调风系统13
3.3.1 一次回风系统的处理过程及送风量确定13
3.3.2 组合式空气处理机组选择计算15
4 空调风系统水力计算18
4.1 水力计算方法18
4.2 通风与空调系统风管内的空气流速18
4.3 楼层建筑风管设计及水力计算19
4.3.1 风管的设计及布置19
4.3.2 风管的水力计算19
4.4 噪声标准20
5 空调水系统的设计及水力计算22
5.1 水系统的设计22
5.1.1 空调水系统设计原则22
5.1.2 空调水系统方案的确定22
5.1.3 冷凝水管的设计23
5.2 水系统水力计算24
6 制冷设备选型26
6.1 冷水机组选型26
6.2 冷却水泵选择26
6.3 冷冻水泵选型27
6.4 冷却塔选型27