    摘要:本毕业设计题目为南京市某语言培训中心教学建筑与结构设计,抗震设防烈度为7度,场地土为Ⅲ类,框架抗震等级为三级。综合考虑建筑设计和结构抗震设计后,建筑布置采用了简单对称的建筑体型。结构计算的内容包括楼板、次梁、楼梯、框架及基础。在结构计算过程中选取了横向一榀框架进行内力分析,内力计算时考虑了抗震设防的要求,求出梁柱的内力最不利组合,按一般的钢筋混凝土构件计算方法进行正截面配筋计算。斜截面应符合剪压比的限制、强剪弱弯原则和满足受剪承载力验算。对于柱,还验算了轴压比的限制,遵循强柱弱梁原则。最后还按照“强节点弱构件”的原则进行框架节点的设计。关键词:建筑设计  结构设计  框架结构   抗震验算    9220
    Title: Architectural and structural design of the teaching building of a language training center in Nanjing   
    Abstract: This graduation project topic is architectural and structural design of the teaching building of a language training center in Nanjing.
    The seismic intensity is 7 degrees.The site soil type is class III.The
    Framework seismic rating is three.After considering the building design and construction of seismic design,construction layout uses the simple
    symmetrical building design.The contents of the structure calculation
    include the floor,secondary beams,stairs,framework and infrastructure.
    We selected transverse specimens of the framework analysis of internal
    forces in the structure calculation process.We took the requirements of
    the earthquake-proof into account in the internal force calculation.Then
    we obtained the most unfavorable combination of the beams of internal force.We calculated the reinforcement section according to the calculation
    methods of reinforced concrete structures generally.Oblique section shall
    comply with the shear pressure ratio limit,strong shear weak bending
    principles and meet the shear capacity checking.We also checked the axial
    compression ratio limit on column which followed the principle of strong
    column and weak beam.Finally,in accordance with the principles of the weak
    Component of strong node to node we designed the framework.
    Keywords: Architectural Design;Structural Design;Frame structure;   
    Seismic check

    目   录

    1  工程概况    1
    2  建筑设计说明    1
    3  结构设计    1
    3.1  结构设计说明    1
    3.2  结构设计与分析概述    1
    3.3  设计内容    2
    3.4  设计准备    2
    4  楼盖屋盖设计    2
    4.1  设计资料    2
    4.2  结构平面布置图    3
    4.2.1  楼盖的结构平面布置图    3
    4.2.2  屋盖的结构平面布置图    4
    4.3  板的设计    4
    4.3.1  楼面板的设计    4
    4.3.2  屋面板的设计    10
    4.4  次梁的设计    13
    5  横向一榀框架    15
    5.1  设计资料    15
    5.2  结构布置及结构计算简图    15
    5.3  竖向荷载计算    17
    5.3.1  恒荷载计算    17
    5.3.2  活荷载计算    20
    5.4  恒荷载和活荷载作用下的内力计算    21
    5.4.1  恒荷载作用下的内力计算    21
    5.4.2  活荷载作用下的内力计算    28
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