
    Mainly related to the specification of the design Urban Rail Transit Design and specifications DGJ08-109-2004, the Shanghai Metro foundation excavation procedures SZ-08-2000, "building foundation supporting technical regulations" JGJ120-2012, "excavation engineering design procedures DBJ 08-61-1997, building foundation the foundation construction quality acceptance norms" GB 50202-2002, building foundation design specifications GB 5007-2002. The design of the main reference "Foundation Engineering Handbook" (second edition), the foundation pit support, excavation engineering, design and construction of the building foundation, soft soil foundation pit engineering support design example, excavation engineering theory and practice "," excavation engineering instance bibliographies, and refer to a large number of journals books in the library to find many excavation engineering design data, and also through the construction site technical staff and on-site management inquiry, the reference solutions, as well as in the actual construction process or issues you may encounter difficulties, because they are in the operating front-line technicians can get the first hand information, which are reflected in the design, but also a lot of information and knowledge gathered from the site, the final completion of the foundation pit excavation accident hazard analysis and safety engineering.
    Key Words: foundation pit excavation;analysis of accidents;Safety engineering design;Foundation Pit Support;Software simulation
    目 录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 我国基坑工程概况及本设计的意义    1
    1.1.1 我国基坑工程的发展    2
    1.1.2 我国基坑开挖工程安全现状    3
    1.1.3 本设计的意义    3
    1.2 基坑工程的特点    4
    1.3 基坑工程的分类    4
    1.3.1 放坡开挖    4
    1.3.2 支护开挖    4
    1.4 基坑工程风险源分析    5
    1.5 基坑工程事故因素    5
    1.6 常见基坑事故隐患预防方法    6
    2某基坑工程概况    7
    2.1 地形地貌及周边环境情况    7
    2.2 工程地质情况    7
    2.3 工程水文情况    10
    2.3.1 潜水    10
    2.3.2 承压水    10
    2.3.3 土层渗透系数    10
    2.4 工程特点    10
    3 某基坑开挖事故隐患分析    11
    3.1 人的不安全行为    11
    3.2 物的危险状态    12
    3.3 管理上的缺陷    15
    4 某基坑开挖安全工程设计    17
    4.1 设计要求    17
    4.2 设计原则    17
    4.3 设计依据    18
    4.4 设计内容    18
    4.4.1 深基坑常见支护结构类型及其适用范围    18
    4.4.2 某基坑支护方式比选    19
    4.4.3 某基坑支护设计    20
    5某基坑开挖安全工程设计软件模拟验证    27
    5.1 本设计所用软件简介    27
    5.2 软件模拟的主要过程    28
    5.2.1方案设计    28
    5.2.2网线布置    29
    5.2.3支护布置    30
    5.2.4内撑布置    32
    5.2.5协同计算    36
    5.2.6结果查询    36
    5.3设计方案的验算    37
    5.3.1整体稳定性验算    37
    5.3.2抗倾覆稳定性验算    38
    5.3.3抗隆起验算    42
    5.3.4流土稳定性验算    43
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