      关键字   风机盘管加新风  散流器平送风  水力计算  喷口送风  座位下回风  屋顶排风  
    Title   A ventilation and air conditioning engineering design for a gymnasium in Guangzhou                     
    Through the ventilation and air conditioning engineering design for a gymnasium in Guangzhou, this specification talks about design methods and procedure of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) for a gymnasium. There is no much difference between load calculation in gymnasium and common building load calculation in the early work. It needs two systems to draw air conditioning drawings in the later work, one part is  the ventilation and air conditioning for function rooms, which  uses air fan coil with fresh air system, the other part using nozzles to send air to the auditorium and competition hall, and air returning under the seats, which adopts all air system. Air fan coil with fresh air system is common in little space, whether the fresh air dealt by the fan coil can affect load calculation and fan coil selection. The type of lateral air supply by nozzles and air returning under the seats, has certain requirements at jet end wind speed, and the difference between jet end temperature and surrounding environment temperature, which is the key point for the system design check.
    Keywords   air fan coil with fresh air   air supply by air diffuser hydraulic calculation  air supply by nozzle  air return under seat  roof exhust
    1.  引言1
    1.1  工程概况 1
    1.2  建筑围护结构 1
    1.3  气象参数 1
    2.  负荷计算2
    2.1  夏季负荷计算 3
    2.2  夏季冷负荷计算实例 6
    2.3  热负荷计算12
    2.4  热负荷计算实例14
    2.5  建筑热负荷汇总14
    3.  空调系统的确定 15
    3.1  空气水系统的确定15
    3.2  全空气系统的确定17
    4.  空调系统设备的选型 19
    4.1  冷水机组的选型19
    4.2  冷却塔的选型19
    4.3  锅炉的选型20
    4.4  分集水器的设计20
    4.5  膨胀水箱的选型20
    4.6  水处理器的选型21
    4.7  水泵的选型21
    5.   空调系统水力计算23
    5.1  空调冷冻水水力计算22
    5.2  空调冷却水水力计算26
    5.3  新风系统的水力计算28
    6   房间气流组织计算29
    6.1  散流器平送气流组织计算29
    6.2  喷口送风气流组织计算30
    7   空调系统的消声与隔振32
    7.1  空调系统消声33
    7.2  空调系统隔振33
    8   空调系统管材与保温33
    1  引言
  1. 上一篇:大厦中央空调系统设计+内热湿负荷的计算+系统水力计算
  2. 下一篇:经济型宾馆五层大楼设计
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