毕业论文关键词:青少年 流行文化 影响 政策
The research of teenager popular culture
Abstract: Since the 1980s, popular culture began to spread in China more than 30 years, through constant development during this time, pop culture with a new look in everyone's field of vision, and pop culture among young people have said to be one of the most important part of it. After decades of development, the contemporary teenager popular culture with the progress of the times and different from the past, but it also affects the behavior and ideas of young people some extent. Teenager popular culture in this society to help young people understand the physical and mental development of young people while also has a negative impact to some extent. Based on the young people to discuss several popular culture, and then figure out where a bad influence on young people, proposed policy responses to guide young people a correct understanding of the essence of teenager popular culture and play a positive role, training young people have a right values and consumer attitudes to the healthy growth of young people to create a cultural environment.
Key Word:teenager popular culture influence policy
一、 导论 2
1.1课题研究的目的与意义 2
1.1.1研究目的 2
1.1.2研究意义 3
1.2课题的研究现状和发展趋势 3
1.2.1研究现状 3
1.2.2发展趋势 4
1.2.3研究方法 5
二、 青少年流行文化的概念及其特征 5
2.1流行文化的概念 5
2.2青少年流行文化的概念 6
2.3青少年流行文化的基本特征 6
2.3.1青少年流行文化具有多样性 6
2.3.2青少年流行文化具有娱乐性 7
2.3.3青少年流行文化具有大众性 7
2.3.4青少年流行文化具有时尚型 7
2.3.5青少年流行文化具有商业性 7
三、 青少年流行文化的青少年的影响 7
3.1我国青少年流行文化的现状 7
3.1.1几种广泛传播的青少年流行文化现象 8
3.2青少年流行文化的利与弊 9
3.2.1青少年流行文化的有利之处 9
3.2.2青少年流行文化的不良之处 11
四、 针对不良影响提出对策 12
4.1提高对青少年流行文化的重视程度 12
4.2加强对青少年的正面引导 12
4.3创建良好的社会环境 13
五、 总结 14
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