
毕业论文关键词  体育场馆 赛后管理 管理水平 营销方式

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Research on the management of sports venues after the game

Abstract With the continuous improvement of China's socialist market economic system, rapid development of sports and sports events are springing up like vigorous held, and sports venues as the host of all sports and fitness foundation facilities, it has been attached great importance to all countries in the world。 The success of a large-scale sports events are held can not only enhance the country's influence in the world, can also lead to hold the rapid development of economy, more important is, can also promote the construction and development of physical infrastructure and public cultural facilities。 At the same time, we should also be aware of every stadium construction cycle is long, relatively large amount of investment, funds in a short period of time is difficult to be recovered, coupled with the complexity of the late management, maintenance costs higher, with the passage of time, when these facilities are not the same degree of natural aging is also difficult to adapt to the needs of the growing fitness and mass culture and entertainment activities occur, directly facing the problem is the bring heavy burden to the government and the society。 Thus, sports venues management is indeed a double-edged sword, how in the sports events fully developed utilization of sport venues, out of trouble, for the community to create greater economic benefits to be solved。 Based on this, first of all, the author briefly analyzes the basic situation of sports venues, including the connotation and characteristics of sports venues, stadiums management mode and mode of operation, then analyzes the problems existing in the China sports venues management, in reference to the basis of Germany and the United States sports venues management experience, China sports venues management proposed development countermeasure, expected by this study can provide certain reference value。From+优|尔-论_文W网www.youerw.com 加QQ752018.766

Keywords   Sports stadiums; After the management; The management level; marketing

目 次

1绪论 1

1。1研究背景及意义 1

1。2研究方法 2














