Abstract: Tourism is the pillar of the third industry in China, plays an important role in the economy 。 Leisure tourism in 21 Century is the direction of Tourism Transformation。 It is a new way of life affects people's lives 。 The progress of science and technology has freed many of the workers, and the development of transportation has made it easier for people to go out。 More and more people have more leisure time, and they have higher requirements and more demands for their free time。 Provides the basic conditions for the development of the leisure tourism
Leisure is based on natural resources, cultural landscape, agricultural resources, such as relying on a way to make the mood to achieve a carefree lifestyle。
Qiannan is located in the southeast of Guizhou Province, bordering Guangxi。 The purpose of this paper is to understand the local natural environment, cultural landscape, folk customs, leisure tourism and so on。 Based on the study of the existing leisure tourist attractions。 Existing problems。 According to some tourist attractions to create the rules to explore the Qiannan leisure tourist attractions。
毕业论文关键词:休闲旅游; 黔南州; 景点打造; 经济; 生活水平
Key word: Leisure tourism; Qiannan; Scenic building; Economy ; Living level
引言 5
一、 黔南地区休闲旅游发展的机遇 5
(一)全国旅游业发展背景下黔南休闲旅游的发展 5
(二)全国城镇化的背景下黔南州人口城市化带来的影响 5
(三)现今环境条件下黔南地区休闲旅游的机遇 5
二、黔南地区休闲旅游发展的优势和劣势分析 6
(一)黔南地区简介 6
(二)黔南地区休闲旅游发展的优势 6
1、独特的地理环境和舒适的气候特点 6
2、丰富的自然资源和能源 6
3、丰富的人文及旅游资源 7
(三)黔南地区休闲旅游发展的劣势 7
1、特殊的地理条件造成的交通问题 7
2、人才缺乏 7
3、经济落后 8
三、黔南地区目前休闲旅游景点存在的问题 8
(一)产品打造的不合理 8
1、产品稀缺、同质化严重、深度不够 8