    关键字  社会救助 困难家庭经济状况核对 社会保障体系
    Title  The problem and strategies of social assistance in checking the difficult family   economic conditions
    Social assistance is the most ancient measures to solve difficult in people's life. And it is also the most basic project in the modern social security system. As a important constituent part in social security system, social assistance plays a positive role in social harmony and economic development and it makes outstanding achievement. With the continuous improvement of the level of social assistance, the civil administration department uses the traditional method to identify rescue object, such as asking rolling up investigates, neighborhood visiting, letter proving and community publicity. It already can not adapt the requirements of the developing of social assistance. Later all kinds of insurance bilking appears subsequently, in order to solve this problem and promote the sound development of social equity, they did a lot of effort all over the country. This essay is aimed at exploring the merits and demerits of the work of social assistance in family economic situation checking work and putting forward the constructive solution for it.
    Keywords  social assistance  check the difficult economic situation of the family
              social security system
    目   次
    1  绪论1
    1.2 国内外研究现状2
    1.3 研究方法2
    2  相关理论基础4
    2.1 相关内涵4
    2.2 理论概述5
    3  社会救助工作中家庭经济状况核对的现状6
    3.2 核对信息平台的建立9
    4  家庭经济状况核对工作中的问题及其原因12
    4.1 家庭经济状况核对工作中的问题12
    4.2 家庭经济状况核对工作中的问题形成原因13
      5 化解社会救助工作中家庭经济状况核对问题的对策15
      5.1 数据的及时更新和核查15
      5.2 科学灵活制定核对标准15
      5.3 增强道德风险防范16
      5.4 建立信息核对系统共享平台16
      结论  17
      致谢  18
    1  绪论
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