    内容摘要本次毕设所选的题目为“仙缘海产南京地区品牌推广策划案”,客户为南通北渔人和水产有限公司,仙缘是该公司旗下最主要品牌,仙缘的海产品取材于近海资源最为丰富的如东县,在南通享有一定知名度,但在江苏其他城市知名度较低。海鲜本身属于中高端市场产品,而目前仙缘的销售区域主要以南通为中心,销售渠道除少许城市专营店,仅仅局限于连锁超市,铺货渠道较窄。江苏经济相对发达,南京作为省会城市,消费者收入较高,消费能力强,市场机会较大,因此本次策划选择南京地区进行全范围推广。从市场调研结论得出南京市场消费行为、态势、偏好,确定目标市场、目标消费者、更形象的描述品牌形象,提出“营养 0 损耗,优质工艺领‘鲜’品牌”的品牌定位和“450Mpa超高压工艺打造的营养 0损耗原海鲜”的核心卖点,制定相应的 4P 策略,为仙缘海产品更好的在南京地区的宣传推广做好准备。在传播策略及创意设计这方面,将项目分为两个阶段进行推广。第一阶段仙缘品牌形象塑造,包括为仙缘品牌设计产品包装、提出推广的主题和口号升华品牌形象。第二阶段,结合各阶段营销战略,整合线上线下传播,运用各种媒介组合推广仙缘品牌形象。通过策划方案的具体实施,在南京地区提升仙缘海产品知名度及美誉度,促进销售量的提高,成功占领南京海产品市场。36353
    SummaryThe project selected topic for "Xian Yuan seafood in Nanjing area brand promotion planning",the customer as the Nantong north fisherman and aquatic products co., LTD. Xian Yuan is asubsidiary of the company's main brand, Xian Yuan seafood from offshore resource is most rich inriding, enjoys certain popularity in Nantong, but in other cities in Jiangsu province visibility islow.Seafood itself belongs to the high-end product market, and currently Xian Yuan sales area asthe center, mainly in Nantong store sales channels in addition to a few cities, limited chainsupermarket, shop goods channel is narrow. As the provincial capital, economy is relativelydeveloped in Jiangsu province, Nanjing higher consumer income, consumption ability is strong,the market chance is bigger, so the plan chooses Nanjing area for full coverage.From market research conclusions from Nanjing market consumer behavior, posture,preferences, and determine the target market, target consumers, more image description of thebrand image, put forward "quality process brought fresh" brand positioning and "450Mpa ofsuper-high pressure technology to build a zero pollution raw seafood" at the heart of the sellingpoint, formulate corresponding strategies of 4P, in Nanjing area of Xian Yuan seafood better beprepared for the promotion.In the area of communication strategy and creative design, the project is pided into twostages. First stage Xian Yuan brand image shaping, including for Xian Yuan brand productpackaging design, put forward to promote the theme and slogan of sublimation brand image. Thesecond stage, combining in different stages of the marketing strategy, integrated onlinecommunication, uses all kinds of media mix Xian Yuan brand image promotion.Through the specific implementation of planning scheme, improve visibility and reputationXian Yuan seafood in Nanjing region; promote the increase of sales, successfully occupiedNanjing seafood market.
    Key words: Product packaging of Xian Yuan; Brand Image; Communication strategy;Ultra-high voltage process
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