    摘    要:城市森林土壤的入渗性能、持水性能、抗蚀性能是反映其水土保持特性的具体指标。森林土壤的水土保持特性对森林生态系统具有重要的生态价值。本文以徐州侧柏林、刺槐林、雪松林、香樟林、悬铃木+泡桐混交林、毛白杨+银杏混交林等优尔种类型的森林为研究对象,采用野外调查与室内分析测定相结合的方法,分别对不同类型的森林水土保持特性(包括入渗性能、持水性能、抗蚀性能)进行研究。结果表明,徐州森林土壤入渗性能排序为: 侧柏林>香樟林>刺槐林>毛白杨+银杏混交林>悬铃木+泡桐混交林>雪松林;持水性能排序为: 香樟林>侧柏林>刺槐林>毛白杨+银杏混交林>悬铃木+泡桐混交林>雪松林;土粒崩解速率排序:刺槐林>毛白杨+银杏混交林>悬铃木+泡桐混交林>雪松林>侧柏林>香樟林;水稳定性指数排序为:香樟林>侧柏林>雪松林>悬铃木+泡桐混交林>毛白杨+银杏混交林>刺槐林;水土保持功能综合评价得分排序:香樟林>侧柏林>悬铃木+泡桐混交林>毛白杨+银杏混交林>刺槐林>雪松林。 37399
    Xuzhou City Soil And Water Conservation Forest Soil Characteristics Analysis
    Abstract: water infiltration, water holding capacity, corrosion resistance is a reflection of the specific indicators in the soil and water conservation characteristics of city forest soil, water conservation, soil and water conservation is an important ecological value of forest ecosystem. In this paper, six types of Xuzhou side of Berlin, locust forest, cedar forest, camphor forest, mixed forest, tree + Paulownia tomentosa + ginkgo mixed forest forest as the research object, using the method of field investigation and laboratory analysis were combined, respectively characteristics of different types of forest soil (including infiltration, the water holding performance, corrosion resistance were studied. The results show that, Xuzhou forest soil infiltration sort: Berlin side, camphor forest, Robinia pseudoacacia forest > poplar mixed forest > sycamore ginkgo +Paulownia mixed forests and cedar forests; the water holding capacity of order: camphor forest > Berlin side of Robinia pseudoacacia forest of Populus tomentosa + ginkgo mixed forest > mixed with paulownia wood plane forest, cedar forest; soil disintegration rate of locust > sort: Populus tomentosa + gingko mixed forest > mixed forest tree + Paulownia forest > Berlin > cedar side of camphor forest; water stability index: camphor forest >sycamore side of the Berlin cedar forests mixed with Paulownia forest, mixed forest, Populus tomentosa and ginkgo locust forest; comprehensive evaluation function scores and sorting of soil and water conservation: camphor forest > Berlin > sycamore + side Paulownia tomentosa + ginkgo mixed forest > mixed forest >    cedar forests of Robinia pseudoacacia.
    Keywords: city forest; forest types; characteristics of soil and water conservation; Xuzhou City
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 目的意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究进展    1
    1.3 研究思路    2
    材料与方法    2
    2.1 研究区概况    2
    2.2 样地设置与测定方法    3
    2.2.1 样地设置  .  3
    2.2.2 测定方法  .  3
    3  结果与分析    4
    3.1 入渗性能    4
    3.2 持水性能    5
    3.3 抗蚀性能    6
    3.3.1 土壤的颗粒组成  .  6
    3.3.2 土壤团聚体  .  7
    3.3.3 土壤土粒崩解速率  .  7
    3.3.4 土壤水稳性指数  .  8
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