


    Swedish trade union collective bargaining Implications for the role of the trade unions


    China is a collective consultative approach to labor relations adjustment. But this did not reflect the equal relationship between employers and employees, and the fundamental reason is that there is no real legal trade union rights. In the West, such as Sweden and other countries, speaking as a statutory collective bargaining rights, labor groups, having given legal effect to the rights protected by the legal rights and interests of workers groups. How to really protect the interests of groups of workers only through trade unions and bargain collectively. Through the study of the Swedish trade union collective bargaining system adopted to guide our trade unions and employers regulate conflicts in labor relations, and jointly promote the development of enterprises as well as professional training for negotiators, inspired NDRC collective bargaining system of collective negotiation system in China.

    Key Words: Collective bargaining、union、collective consult


    一、绪论 5

    (一) 研究背景和目的 5

    (二) 研究意义 6

    1、 现实意义 6

    2、 理论意义 6

    二、文献综述 6

    (一) 国外研究现状 6

    (二) 国内研究现状 7

    (三) 文献综述(发展趋势) 7

    三、相关法律规定 8

    四、瑞典与中国工会的现状 9

    (一) 瑞典工会的集体谈判现状及特点 9

    (二) 启示 9

    (三) 中国工会的集体协商现状 10

    五、实证调研 11

    (一) 调查方法 11

    (二) 调查对象 11

    (三) 调查结果 12

    ① 行政依附性强。 13

    ② 资金依附性强。 13

    ③ 工会日常事务主要处理文体娱乐方面。 14

    ④ 工会受信任度较低。 14

    ⑤ 信任度访谈结果 15

    六、完善的对策 17

    (一) 建立真正的集体协商制度 17

    (二) 加强企业工会选举制度的宣传与监督 17

    (三) 完善企业工会资金来源

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