    The main purpose of this article is to gain the consuming motivation of Consumer electronic products and get to know further about the market requirement as well as detect what consumers are thinking of. The original hypothesis of consumer motivation includes realistic motivation、for low motivation、beauty seeking motivation、fame motivation、innovation motivation、conformist motivation、patronage motivation、entertainment motivation, totally eight kinds of motivations which are according to the questionnaire within the survey. It uses questionnaire analysis to adjust question in the questionnaire, in addition, combined with the belief analysis to delete some unless questions so as to enhance the quality of the questionnaire. This well belief scale is used for factor analysis in order to produce the final result of the revised consuming motivation model which will be named in combination with physical truth. The revised consuming motivation model contains following fashion motivation、entertainment motivation、realistic motivation、for low motivation、conformist motivation、patronage motivation. At last, data is used for frequency analysis、single factor analysis of variance、T test which combine consuming motivation with consumer personal characteristic. It demonstrates that different comsumer groups differ their age, sexuality, marriage status and personal leisure time, these four factors make a difference towards comsumer motivations.
    [Key Words]:Consumer electronic products;Consumer motivation;Reliability analysis;Factor analysis
     目   录
    摘  要I
    1. 绪论.1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究目的    1
    1.3 理论基础及文献回顾     1
    1.4 论文创新点    3
    2. 研究设计.3
    2.1  购买动机模型假设    3
    2.2  购买动机的相关假设    5
    2.3  问卷设计及调查实施    6
    3. 量表分析.6
    3.1  量表项目分析    7
    3.1.1  决断值    7
    3.1.2  同质性检验    7
    3.1.3  信度检验    8
    3.2  因素分析    9
    3.3  消费者购买动机模型修正    13
    4. 数据分析13
    4.1  频数分析    13
    4.2  假设检验    14
    5. 结论21
    致    谢25
    附录 .26
    1. 绪论
    1.1 研究背景
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