    Food landscape is an important part of tourism, it is an important standard for the tourists to experience the tourism destination, and it is also an important part of the tourism destination image. The optimization of the food landscape can not only improve the experience of tourists, but also can promote the spread and innovation of local food culture. China with South Korea is a narrow strip of water resources has a similar diet.Through the related literature at home and abroad were reviewed, and is representative of the culinary landscape of China and the Korea: Nanjing Confucius Temple and Jeonju Hanok village research, through field investigation and questionnaire survey, both for comparative study. On the analysis of the two diet the status of the landscape at the same time, to South Korea's state for the comparison object study Nanjing Confucius Temple in the culinary landscape existing problems, and combined with the present status of the Chinese diet landscape development, put forward the comprehensive reasonable construction diet tourism scenic area, increase with the culinary scene view related activities or exhibition, Nanjing Confucius Temple in the diet to improve the environment, enhance the cultural connotation of the culinary landscape, diet landscapes into festivals medium to enhance of the Confucius Temple in Nanjing diet landscape measures.
    Key words: Foodscape;  Confucius temple; Jeonju Hanok village
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究意义    1
    1.3研究内容    1
    1.4研究方法    2
    1.5文献综述    2
    1.5.1国外文献综述    2
    1.5.2国内文献综述    3
    第二章  理论研究及指标选取    4
    2.1理论研究    4
    2.1.1景观    4
    2.1.2 饮食景观    4
    2.1.3 旅游景观    5
    2.1.4 旅游饮食景观    5
    2.2指标选取    5
    第三章  案例地的选择与分析    7
    3.1南京夫子庙    7
    3.2全州韩屋村    7
    3.3两者的特性与共性    7
    第四章  夫子庙饮食景观和韩屋村饮食景观的比较分析    8
    4.1问卷的设计与发放    8
    4.2问卷的人口学特征分析    8
    4.2.1针对夫子庙问卷的人口学特征分析    8
    4.2.2针对韩屋村问卷的人口学特征分析    9
    4.3韩国韩屋村与中国夫子庙饮食景观的比较分析    10
    4.3.1饮食要素比较    10
    4.3.2环境要素比较    10
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