    ABSTRACT  In the era of electricity suppliers, the importance of logistics can not be ignored, the logistics is equivalent to the bridge between enterprises and customers, plays a very important role. It affects the enterprise's image, income and future development. With the rapid development of e-commerce, brings the fierce market competition, but also to enable consumers there have been scattered and regional, the role of logistics in e-commerce enterprises is more and more important, level of logistics distribution mode choice and level of service is gradually becoming about beam electronic business enterprise growth and development of important factors. If you can take a logistics distribution model is itself fit, you can greatly reduce the operating costs, thereby enhancing the service level of the enterprise electronic commerce, which can greatly enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises, contribute to the healthy development of enterprises.
    This article is in Suqian Jingdong Mall as an example, introduces its development process. It focuses on the analysis of choice of Suqian Jingdong Mall logistics distribution mode and its advantages and disadvantages, combined with the current domestic research results and survey analysis, logistics distribution of Suqian Jingdong Mall forward relevant improvement measures and advice.
    Key words:Jingdong mall;Customized logistics;Logistics distribution
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    第一章  选题的背景及意义    1
    1.1选题的背景    1
    1.2选题的研究意义    1
    第二章  相关理论概述    3
    2.1电子商务的含义    3
    2.2自营物流的含义    3
    2.3物流配送的含义    3
    第三章  宿迁京东物流自营物流配送模式分析    4
    3.1宿迁京东商城的介绍    4
    3.2宿迁京东商城自营物流构建的原因    4
    3.3宿迁京东商城自营物流配送模式分析    5
    第四章  宿迁京东商城配送模式优化策略    10
    4.1把自己的物流做的更加专业化、更具特色化    10
    4.2对节假日的销售高峰期提早做好准备    10
    4.3划分不同的收费标准    11
    4.4加强对物流员的培训,提高综合素质    11
    4.5完善现有的物流基础设施,加强制度管理    11
    4.6对物流配送模式不断学习创新    12
    结束语    13
    致  谢    14
    参考文献    15
    第一章  选题的背景及意义
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