    ABSTRACT Under the situation of economic globalization, China's accession to WTO, the increasingly fierce competition in the financial markets, the banking sector in order to improve the competitive advantage in a highly competitive environment, the implementation of customer relationship management has become an essential task. Bank of overall economic development is an essential factor in a variety of financial firms Nanjing barbaric growth, the banking industry caused a dramatic impact on the banking sector begin to have a sense of crisis, the fundamental goal is to improve the profitability of banks. In the development of the bank, the customer is the most important resource and factors that maintain and manage customers, and strive to tap new customers is essential, therefore customized services to improve customer loyalty and satisfaction essential .
              In this paper, the basic theory of customer relationship management as the basis, the first of CRM theory summarized and analyzed in accordance with the actual situation of China Construction Bank, Nanjing Branch, its current shortcomings to be analyzed and summarized for the development of China Construction Bank, Nanjing Branch propose appropriate measures.
    Key words: Customer Relationship Management; CRM; Loyalty; Satisfaction
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    前言    1
    第一章  客户关系管理的相关理论    2
    1.1客户关系管理的内涵    2
    1.1.1  客户关系管理的概念    2
    1.1.2 客户关系管理的内容    2
    1.2客户关系管理的功能和意义    4
    1.2.1 客户关系管理的功能    4
    1.2.2客户关系管理的意义    4
    第二章  建设银行南京分行客户关系管理的现状    4
    2.1 建设银行南京分行的基本概况    5
    2.2 建设银行南京分行实行客户关系管理的动力    5
    2.2.1 加入世界贸易组织后,金融业激烈的竞争环境    5
    2.2.2 客户关系管理系统在银行中的竞争优势    6
    2.2.3 客户关系管理是最新提出的经营理念    6
    2.3 建设银行南京分行客户关系管理分析    6
    2.4建设银行南京分行客户关系管理的实施情况    7
    第三章  建设银行南京分行客户关系管理存在的问题    9
    3.1 不能够很好的利用客户资源    9
    3.2 对客户关系管理缺乏统一规划和协调    9
    3.3 对于CRM不够重视,系统不健全    9
    3.4、银行业的人才严重缺乏    10
    3.5、难以开发潜在的客户    10
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