


    Environmental planning is humans have done to their activities and the environment in space and time ,and reasonable arrangements for the overall strategic and the overall planning on the comprehensive study and solve the problem of environment and coordinated economic development and environmental tasks. Its purpose is to guide people in environmental protection activities, improve the ecological environment, prevent resource damage, security environmental protection activities, to get the best environmental benefits with minimal investment, promote the sustainable development of environment, economy and society,to reduce pollution, prevents damage to resources.

    The first part analyzes the relevant theories of urban environmental planning, concept and principle, etc.The second part on the basis of theoretical analysis, combined with specific case the city of Weihui ,analysis guided by industry purpose the present situation and future trend of urban environmental planning, and puts forward suggestions and advice for the environmental planning. 

    毕业论文关键词:城市环境规划;原则和方法; 卫辉市; 现状分析;

    Keyword: Urban environmental planning; Principles and methods;            the city of Weihui ;      Analysis of the situation;


    1引言 4

    1.1问题的提出 4

    1.2研究的意义 4

    2城市环境规划相关概述 4

    2.1城市环境规划定义[1-2] 4

    2.2城市环境规划的特征和基本原则[5] 4

    2.2.1城市环境规划的特征 4

    2.2.2城镇环境规划基本原则 4

    3.环境规划内容及方法 5

    3.1环境规划内容现状调查与评价 5

    3.2环境规划的方法 5

    4.卫辉市环境规划实例分析 5

    4.1卫辉市简介 5

    4.2卫辉市环境状况调查 7

    4.2.1大气环境状况调查 7

    4.2.2水环境状况调查 7

    4.2.3声环境污染状况调查 7

    4.2.4固体废弃物现状调查 7

    4.2.5生态环境资源现状 7

    4.2.6主要环境问题 8

    4.3卫辉市环境规划的现状与建议 8

    4.3.1总体规划指导思想 8

    4.3.2关于环境规划现状认可度的调查 9


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