



    Abstract: Mature and good user experience has become the key to the success of the website with the fierce competitive situation of domestic O2O e-commerce market. This paper is based on user experience honeycomb in seven factors (as the main theoretical basis), through depth interviews and one-to-one user testing experiment, creating final evaluation model with 20 measurement total from the useful, usable, desirable, valuable, findable, accessible, credible. Get the weight of each index in the share of the user experience through the Analytic Hierarchy Process.

        According to the user experience honeycomb, useful refers to the function of the product can meet the needs of users; useable include learnability and efficiency; desirable refers to functions can meet the user's emotional experience(reference emotional design); Valuable refers to the design of products have commercial value; findable refers to provide good navigation and positioning elements, can quickly find the information you need, and know their own location; accessible refers to barrier free; credible refers to the product allows users to trust, a sense of security.

    Through constructing user experience honeycomb model for Dazhong Comment and Gaode Map, the user experience of measurement and evaluation, and then comparison and analysis, and finally to the Dazhong Comment and Gaode Map, revision and functional design provide persuasive advice. Hope that through this article for Dazhong Comment and Gaode Map user experience research provides a new perspective.

    毕业论文关键词:用户体验;基于地理位置服务;O2O电子商务; 度量指标模型

    Keyword: user experience; LBS;O2O e-commerce;Measurement model 

    图 目 录 3

    表 目 录 3

    (一)研究背景及意义 4

    (二)研究的基本内容: 4

    (三)拟解决的主要问题: 4

    (四)研究方法(手段) 4

    (五)创新点 5

    (六)技术路线 5

    二、文献综述 5

    (一)国外对用户体验的研究现状 5

    (二)国内对用户体验的研究现状 7


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