

    In the development of e-commerce is becoming more and more mature at the same time, social networks are also popular in the world, on the one hand, also met the mode of development of both the bottleneck of innovation, but on the other hand, the combination of the two become a possibility, and spawned a social commerce. Social networks for the development of electronic commerce mode brought fresh blood, this paper hope through the social network, the mode of e-commerce and social forms and characteristics of electronic commerce, the analysis of the effect of social networks on e-business mode innovation, and the pocket shopping, for example case analysis of the new model of electricity, analyzed its innovation. Finally based on the user to social shopping questionnaire, as the social problems of e-commerce development to provide some thinking direction, further perfect the electronic commerce development pattern, promoting the healthy development of the e-commerce ecosystem. 


    Keyword: Social networks; Social commerce; Personalized recommendation;       Pocket shopping 

    目    录

    第一章 引言 4

    (一)研究背景与目的 4

    (二)研究现状 4

    1.1社会化网络的相关研究 4

    1.2社会化电子商务的相关研究 5

    (三)研究内容 6

    (四)研究方法 6

    第二章 相关概念 6

    (一) 社会化网络 6

    2.1.1社会化网络基本概念 6

    2.1.2社会化网络传播特性 7

    (二)电子商务的模式 7

    第三章 社会化网络与电子商务的融合 7

    (一)社会化电子商务基本形态 7

    (二)社会化网络对电子商务的影响 8

    3.2.1基于传播学的信息过滤创新(个性化推荐) 8

    3.2.2基于营销学的营销模式创新(口碑营销、精准营销) 8

    第四章 社会化电子商务在问题中改进 9

    (一)社会化电子商务发展存在的问题 9

    4.1信息内容过剩 9

    4.2平台同质化严重 9

    (二)社交电子商务的创新之举——以口袋购物为例 10


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