    1)    结合城市轨道交通特性,总结城市轨道交通服务相关概念、分类及特点,并针对现阶段常见服务评价,按照不同评价要素进行分类并分析总结其特点。
    2)    确立合适的评价指标,选择适当的量化方法,并合理分配权重。
    3)    创建符合要求的调查问卷,并对其数据进行收集与分析。
    Title  Evaluation Index System of Rail Transit Passenger Service                          
    With the rapid development of Chinese social economy, people’s living standard has increased continuously, while the urban transportation problem is deteriorating with each passing day. Rail transit has attracted people’s interests due to its characteristics of large capacity, punctuality, convenience, and low carbon, thus becoming an indispensable transportation mode in future. At present, urban rail transit is developed vigorously in major cities in China as well as around the world, which induces people’s thought on kinds of problems brought by rail transit.
    The main content of the paper are as follows:
    1)    The classification and characteristics of urban rail transit service evaluation are studied, and focus on the service evaluation that takes enterprise as the estimator. Then, the comprehensive evaluation of urban rail transport service is system described, from the three aspects of estimator, index and content.
    2)    establish suitable evaluation index, choose an appropriate quantitative method, and distribute the weight reasonably.
    3)    Create a questionnaire, collect and analysis the data.
    Keywords: rail transit; passenger service; evaluation system; evaluation index
    目  次
    1    引言    1
    1.1 研究背景与意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.3 论文的研究对象和主要内容    4
    2   城市轨道交通服务评价概述    7
    2.1城市轨道交通服务概念    7
    2.2城市轨道交通服务分类    7
    2.3 城市轨道交通服务特点    8
    2.4城市轨道交通服务评价概念    10
    2.5本章小结    10
    3 轨道交通客运服务评价理论    11
    3.1 城市轨道交通客运服务评价原则    11
    3.2 城市轨道交通客运服务评价的意义    11
    3.3 轨道交通客运服务评价指标的选择    12
    3.4 本章小结    14
    4 轨道交通客运服务评价指标的量化方法    15
    4.1主观指标评价    15
    4.2客观指标评价    19
    4.3 赋权方法    21
    4.4 本章小结    21
    5 轨道交通客运服务评价调查方案设计    22
    5.1 调查目标和对象    22
    5.2 调查内容设计    22
    5.3 调查问卷设计    22
    5.4 抽样方法    25
    5.5 调查方法    25
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