


    Research on the Building of Urban Community Elderly Care Service System in Dongfang City, Hainan Province


    With the continuously development of society and the change of home structure, it is an inevitable requirement to strengthen urban communities to meet the challenge of aging society and the construction of harmonious society. Taking urban communities in Dongfang City, Hainan Province as the example, this paper analyzes the community elderly care service system after in-depth field survey. After analysis, this paper finds that there are some problems in the service system, such as funding input is deficient, professional employee is insufficient, and service level is low. Combining abroad experiences in developing urban community elderly care service, this papers puts forward the following countermeasures and suggestions: increasing government budget input, enhancing the construction of urban community elderly care service infrastructure, accelerating the building of urban community elderly care service system.

    Keywords: urban communities; the construction of elderly care service system; Dongfang city ;


    0 引言 1

    1 理论概述 1

    1.1 基本概念 1

    1.2 城市社区养老服务理论 2

    2 海南省东方市城市社区养老服务现状分析 4

    2.1 东方市城市社区基本概况 4

    2.2 东方市城市社区当前养老服务模式现状 5

    3 海南省东方市城市社区养老服务存在的问题 5

    3.1 观念认识不到位 5

    3.2 资金投入不足,养老机构投资主体单一 6

    3.3 专业服务人员匮乏,素质参差不齐 6

    3.4 城市社区养老服务项目严重欠缺 6

    3.5 城市社区群众参与意识不高 6

    4 国外发达国家社区养老服务发展的经验借鉴 6

    4.1 健全的法律法规推动 7

    4.2 多元化与多渠道的经济来源的大力支持 7

    4.3 重视专业性人才和志愿者队伍的培养 8

    4.4 完善的社区养老服务设施建设 9

    4.5 充分利用社区资源,推行丰富的养老服务项目 9

    5 构建海南省东方市城市社区养老服务体系 10

    5.1 构建相对完善的法规政策体系

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