    摘要产品的质量问题触及家家户户,从小的方面讲,产品质量的好坏涉及到每一个购买者的亲身利益,与购买者的的健康、平安、生活质量等多种方面都存在很大的联系;从大的方面讲,出口产品的质量不仅关系着我国的声誉,更是涉及到社会的经济发展和国家的质量方针,影响我国在国际社会的地位。目前我国出口产品质量监督实行产品质量监督法,这也是我国相关法律明确确定的法律。该法律明确规定根据消费者举报的已经对人体的健康、人身和财产安全造成影响的以及可能对国民生计造成影响的相关组织或工业产品进行质量监督检测。 在目前的形势下如何确保产品质量监督检查能够有效地实施,关系到的不仅是消费者的根本利益,更关系着我国在国际贸易市场的地位。现阶段在出口产品的质量监督检查问题上,我国主要采取抽样调查的方法。众所周知,抽样调查虽然有经济性好、实效性强、适应面广、准确性高等优点,但也同样存在调查误差和偏误等问题,在适用在进出口机电等重要产品时,如何可以更加科学合理地设计检验方案,可以在较大程度上降低检验风险。  江苏省作为我国重要的经济省份,其机电类产品出口额的上升或者下降直接影响牵动着其他省份的机电产品出口额涨幅。近年来很多专家学者都对目前江苏省质量监督检验的现状进行了深度探究,通过研究对比发现了其中存在的很多问题。比如相关部门的人员素质、生产机电类产品企业本身问题以及现有的检验监管的模式问题,这些问题对于江苏省机电产品的质量监督风险都有很大程度的影响。因此目前相关质检部门的首要任务是针对当前江苏省机电产品质量监督检察的问题进行原因分析,找到发现引起这些问题的源头。任何种类的产品或多或少都存在质量监督风险的问题,不同种类的产品所面临的风险不同,本文重点研究质量监督风险控制的问题,但在问题研究中我发现只注重风险控制是不够的,还需要考虑成本因素和效率因素,只有多方面考虑并且选择合适的监督模式才能做到高质量完成质量监督工作。49901
    毕业论文关键字  检验监管模式 产品质量 机电产品国际贸易 风险控制
    Title     Risk Analysis of Jiangsu Provincial Quality Supervision and Inspection   
    Abstract Product quality problems touched every family, small side speaking, the product quality is good or bad related to the personal interests of every buyers, and buyers of health, safety, quality of life and other aspects there is a big link; from the big perspective, the quality of export products, not only our country's reputation, but also in relation to the quality of social and economic development of the country, the impact of China's position in the international community. At present our export products quality supervision and implementation of product quality supervision method, which is China's relevant laws and clearly defined laws. The law is clear that according to consumer reports have an impact on health, personal and property safety of the human body and may affect the livelihood of the people or organizations related industrial products quality supervision and inspection. In the current situation, how to ensure product quality supervision and inspection can be effectively implemented, not only related to the fundamental interests of consumers, but also related to China's position in international trade market. Quality supervision and inspection on the issue of export products, our main method of sample surveys taken at this stage. As we all know, although there is a sample survey economy is good, effective and strong, wide adaptation, accuracy advantages, but there is also investigating error and bias and other issues, when applicable import and export of mechanical and electrical products and other important, how can more scientific rational design of the survey program, can reduce the risk of testing a large extent. Jiangsu Province as China's important economic province, increased its exports of machinery and electronic products or directly affect the decline in other provinces affects exports of electromechanical products rose. In recent years, many experts are on the current situation in Jiangsu Province Quality Supervision, Inspection and conducted in-depth inquiry, by contrast study found a lot of problems which exist. For example, the quality of personnel of relevant departments, the production of machinery and electronic products business model itself is the problem, and the problem of the existing inspection and  supervision, quality supervision and risk for these problems, Jiangsu Province, mechanical and electrical products have a large degree of influence. So now the primary task of the relevant quality inspection departments are the cause analysis for problems Attorney electromechanical product quality supervision current Jiangsu Province, found cause to find the source of these problems. More or less any kind of product quality supervision and risk problems, different risks faced by different types of products, problems of this article focuses on quality supervision and risk control, but the problem I found in the study to focus only on risk control is not enough also we need to consider the cost factor and efficiency factor, only the aspects to consider and select the appropriate mode to achieve high quality supervisory complete quality supervision.   
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