



    Analysis on the Optimization of Xuzhou Tobacco Logistics Distribution Model 

    Abstract    With the development of China's market economy and progress of Internet technology, e-commerce business continues to expand, and the logistics industry is also becoming more and more in-depth in public life, being the competitive highland in the new round of market development among enterprises. Of all the costs in the enterprise project, the cost of logistics consists for more than a quarter of proportion, therefore reducing logistics costs has become a widespread concern among many businesses. Distribution is the most central part of logistics system ,choosing the most effective distribution model is the key for the formation of regional competitiveness and the reduction of costs.

    Tobacco industry is an important source of regional fiscal revenue, high quality and efficient logistics support is the key for tobacco companies to keep low costs and steady growth in profits . Taking Xuzhou tobacco logistics as the research object, this paper analyzes the necessity of tobacco logistics distribution mode research, and then summarizes the research achievements at home and abroad about the distribution mode, afterwards, introducing the existing distribution model theory and practical experience , analysis the situation  of tobacco distribution and problems in Xuzhou. Finally ,combining the real development environment in Xuzhou, making suggestions on how to optimize the tobacco distribution model of Xuzhou, that is under the premise of using the JIT instant distribution system, implementing the joint distribution combining with direct delivery .

    Key Words:tobacco distribution;  distribution model;  Xuzhou

    目 录

    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

    目 录 III

    一 引言 1

    (一)研究背景 1

    (二)研究综述 1

    二 烟草配送相关理论介绍 3

    (一) 配送的定义与特点 3

    (二) 烟草配送的定义与特点 3

    (三) 几种典型的配送模式 3

    三 徐州市烟草物流配送现状与存在的问题 5

    (一)徐州市烟草公司概况 5


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