
    摘要中国的城市化进程加快了农村空巢现象,养老形势十分严峻。笔者对南通市如东县岔河镇启秀村居民做了问卷调查和实地走访,得知:南通市农村老人以家庭自我养老模式为主。子女长期在城里工作,老年人又深深地眷恋并依赖子女,二者着实焦虑和冲突。计划生育政策以及人口老龄化又冲击着传统家庭养老模式,老年人缺乏精神文化生活。农村养老保险保障水平较低,根本无法满足老人的养老需求。根据对南通市农村地区的养老情况的调查与走访,笔者提出建立新型的农村养老模式必须要坚持“家庭、集体、社会三位一体”的养老思路,政府将自然资源的一部分收益用于社会养老保障,同时倡导农村老人自助加互助的养老模式。充分利用网络资源,构建农村老人正式与非正式照顾,为农村老年人提供生活和精神上的双重服务和支持,满足广大农村老年人的全面需求。 50873


    Research on the Rural Pension Mode of Nantong


    With the great development of the urbanization, the rural empty nest phenomenon has been accelerated and the pension situation is very grim. The author made questionnaires and carried on the field visits of Qixiu Village, Rudong Chahe Town in Nantong. And then such phenomenoncan be found: The main mode of rural pension in Nantong is the home-based self-care mode. Children of the elderly work and live in cities in along-term, while the elderly persons are deeply  nostalgic for their children and dependent on their beloved kids, which really causes anxiety and conflict. Birth control poliy and the aging of population make a great impact on the traditional mode of family pension, which indicates a lack of spiritual and cultural life of the elderly. The low level of rural old-age insurance fails to meet the demand of the elderly. According to the questionnaires and some research based on the situation of rural pension of Nantong City, the author proposes to establish a new rural pension mode that must adhere to the priciple of "family, collective, social trinity". The government should devote some profits from resources to guarantee the social rural mode and 

    advocates such a mode of mutual aid among the elderly on rural pension. It is important 

    to make full use of network to give the formal and informal attentionfor the elderly in rural areas, which provides double services and support of the spirits and life for the

     elderly and it can finally meet the overall needs of the rural elderly.

    Keywords: rural pension; pension mode; pension safety


    0 引言 1

    1绪论 1

    1.1研究意义 1

    1.1.1理论意义 1

    1.1.2现实意义 1

    1.2研究内容 2

    1.2.1研究内容 2

    1.2.2研究方法 2

    1.2.3研究对象 2

    2 概念及相关理论 3

    2.1相关概念界定 3

    2.1.1养老的涵义 3

    2.1.2农村养老的涵义 3

    2.1.3养老模式的涵义 3

    2.2国内外研究综述 4

    2.2.1国外的研究 4

    2.2.2国内的研究 5


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