
    摘 要:历史文化古街区不光是供人们游憩娱乐的主要场所,也是一座古城悠久的历史和璀璨文明的最好见证。开发扬州东关古街区旅游对推动整个扬州的旅游产业意义重大。利用问卷对东关古街区的现状进行调查,结果分析显示,虽然东关古街区历史文化资源丰厚,但是只做到了保护层面,而未深层次开发,宣传力度不够,导致扬州东关古街区游客游玩体验度低,古街区知名度不高等问题,结合这些问题,与上海新天地的成功改造进行对比,提出应该深度开发扬州东关古街区的措施,重点增强游客体验度,利用区位优势吸引客源市场,明确主题定位,处理好安置居民问题和避免开发过度商业化,以实现扬州东关古街区旅游业可持续发展。52255

    毕业论文关 键 字:扬州,东关历史文化古街区,旅游开发,SPSS

    Abstract: Historical and cultural district is not only an important place for people to relax or entertain themselves, but also the best witness of the long history and splendid culture. The development of the Dongguan district makes the great significance of promoting Yangzhou tourism industry. Using questionnaire to investigate Dongguan district present situation, the results show that although the Dongguan district owns rich historical and cultural resources, however it just does the job of protecting,it has not been exploited in depth, which results bad feeling of tourists to visit the street region and the popularity is not well and so on. Considering the problems and comparing with the successfully transforming of the Shanghai New World. I offer some advices about exploiting in depth of Dongguan district. The main point is in the terms of strengthening the feeling and experience and making use of geographical advantages to attract tourist market, specifying the theme positioning, to deal with problems of resettlement residents and avoid excessive commercial developments , which to realize the sustainable development of Dongguan district.

    Keywords: Yangzhou, Dongguan Historical and Cultural district,Tourism development,SPSS

     目  录

    1 引言  3

    1.1 历史文化古街区的概念  3

    1.2 本文的研究背景和研究意义  3

    1.3 本文的研究内容和方法  3

    2   扬州东关古街区旅游现状分析  4

    2.1 扬州东关古街区的基本情况  4

    2.2 扬州东关古街区的旅游现状概述  5

    2.3 扬州东关古街区现存在的问题  5

    3   扬州东关古街区旅游开发和现存问题的对策  7

    3.1 改进扬州东关古街区旅游开发模式  7

    3.2 深度开发扬州东关古街区的旅游资源  8

    3.3 提升扬州东关古街区旅游体验质量  8

    3.4 拓展扬州东关古街区旅游客源市场  9

    3.5 提升东关古街区知名度并加强主题定位   12

    4  东关古街区内居民与旅游发展的关系12

    5   避免历史文化古街区过度商业化 13

    总结   14

    参考文献 15

    致谢 16

    附录A 17 

    1 引言

    1.1 历史文化古街区的概念

    全国人大常委会2002年10月28日议决并颁布的《中华人民共和国文物保护法》第二章中的《不可移动文物》专列一条,对“历史文化古街区” 给出了精确的定义:“保存文物特别丰富并且具有重大历史价值或者革命纪念意义的城镇,街道,村庄,由省,自治区,直辖市人民政府审定公布为历史文化街区并上报给国务院备案。历史文化街区所在地的县级以上地方人民政府应该组织编制专门的历史文化街区保护规划方案,并且纳入城市的总体规划中 [1]。

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