    The analysis of correlation between the transfer of the manufacturing industry and labor mobility—illustrated by the case of Foxconn
    Abstract: With the rising price of the resources including labor cost, water power, electrical power and so on, the advantage of coastal regions in east China have gone. With the advantage of cheap labor force once helped the development of labor intensive industry in this area fading away, the development of labor intensive industry in the coastal regions in east China has become harder and harder. To solve the problem, the industry has begun to transfer to central and west regions in China.  As labor force is an important cause and driving force of this process, this essay tries to discuss the correlation between the transfer of the manufacturing industry and labor mobility. Thus analysing the problem between the transfer of the manufacturing industry and labor mobility. Aditionally, labor mobility is the basic solution to solving the 'three rural issues', and necessary power in the industrialization and urbanization process. Job opportunities have been created and the speed of labor flowing to costal areas has been decreased while the industry transfers from costal areas to inland. Thus causing the the shortage of migrant workers directly. Policy measures to solving this problem is to strengening the interation between the coastal areas and the inland. Thus taking the industrial advantage of coastal areas while reflecting the low-cost advantage of the inland and embracing a win-win situation.This thesis comprises 6 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the background and meaning of this topic. Chapter 2 introduces the interrelated documents of labor mobility and industrial transferthe background and meaning of this research. Chapter 3 introduces the current situation of the transfer of the manufacturing industry and labor mobility, taking the example of Foxconn espeecially. Chapter 4 analyzes the reason of the reciprocity mechanism between labor mobility and industrial transfer. Chapter 5 is a summary of this thesis. It also gives some policys and suggestions.Chapter 6 is the summary of this paper.
    Key Words: the transfer of the manufacturing industry;industrial transfer;
    labor mobility; Foxconn
    目  录

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