

毕业论文关键词:电子商务  物流  亚马逊  协同效应

Analysis of synergies between e-commerce and logistics management

Abstract :With the promotion of Internet information technology, the development of e-commerce increasingly prosperous, profound changes in people's spending habits, logistics in the status and role of e-commerce is also increasingly important。 It holds the upstream and downstream industry chain transaction information to e-commerce platform as the carrier as a network operator and consumer bridge, is the ultimate realization of the ownership of the transfer, is the end of the transaction value of the terminal embodiment。 However, China's modern logistics development is lagging behind, and abroad is different, it is acquired in the development of e-commerce platform should be generated。 The lag of the development level of logistics has become the main bottleneck in the development of e-commerce。 It is also the key to the realization of Internet coverage, low cost and high service advantage。 Because the training and construction of e-commerce platform with the perfect modern logistics, to explore the operation of modern logistics, logistics procurement, transportation, storage, distribution of all aspects of e-commerce to meet the market demand, in order to achieve e-commerce and logistics effective cooperation is imminent。

This article mainly uses the literature research method, the comparative analysis method, the comprehensive analysis method, and the empirical analysis method carries on the analysis and the research。 The innovation of this research lies in the development of the influence of e-commerce on logistics function and the fundamental reason for restricting the development of modern logistics。 There are five chapters in this paper。 The first chapter is the introduction part, which mainly includes the background and significance of the research。 The second chapter is the summary of e-commerce and logistics management。 This chapter mainly elaborates the characteristics of e-commerce and logistics management, and further the relationship between the two。 The third chapter mainly demonstrates the necessity of the coordinated development of e-commerce and logistics management in China。 The fourth chapter mainly studies the status quo of collaborative development of e-commerce and logistics management industry, and compares it according to the development pattern of logistics industry both at home and abroad, and analyzes the two-way influence of e-commerce and logistics industry in combination with China's actual situation。 In the fifth chapter, based on the typical case of Amazon, this paper analyzes the synergistic effect of e-commerce and logistics management。 Finally, the conclusion and prospect of this study are obtained。

















