    摘要本文使用化学动力学计算软件 CHEMKIN 分别研究了当量比Φ=0.8 和Φ=1.2时不同气氛下 6 种乙烯层流预混火焰的燃烧特性,根据模拟计算得出的数据得到6 种不同工况的火焰的温度、主要产物、中间产物和自由基分布的摩尔分数曲线。根据得到的结果分析发现 : CO2对燃烧的影响体现在 CO2的热效应和化学效应两方面。我们用 CO2b(即不参加化学反应的CO2)来研究 CO2的热效应对燃烧的影响,发现 CO2b的加入对火焰中碳黑的生成有一定的抑制作用。而 CO2在燃烧过程中参加的化学反应CO2 + H↔ CO + OH不仅抑制了火焰的燃烧,同时使碳黑的前驱体——C2H2的摩尔分数有一定幅度的下降。贫燃同样可以减少碳黑的生成,而且减少乙烯燃烧污染产物 CO 的排放。另外研究发现 CO2对乙烯燃烧中间产物CH2O、CH3OH、CH2CO、CH3CHO这些有毒物质有不同程度的影响。19289
    关键词 乙烯火焰 CO2稀释气 燃烧特性
    Title Combustion Characteristics of ethylene flame under
    O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmosphere
    In this paper, we use the chemical kinetics calculation software CHEMKIN
    respectively studied 6 kinds of ethylene laminar premixed flame combustion
    characteristics while the equivalent Φ = 0.8 and Φ = 1.2 with different
    combustion conditions, according to the simulation data is calculated ,we
    can get six kinds of the flame mole fraction curve of the
    distribution of the temperature, main product, intermediate and free
    radical. The results obtained showed that: CO2 impact on combustion is
    embodied in two aspects of heating and chemical effects. We use CO2b (that
    is, not to take part in a chemical reaction of CO2) to study the heating
    effect of the CO2 impact on combustion, found CO2b join to the production
    of carbon black in the fire to have certain inhibition. Chemical reaction
    of CO2 + H ↔ CO + OH that CO2 participate in the combustion process not
    only suppresses the flame burning, slow down the combustion velocity of
    ethylene, and decreased the amplitude of the mole fraction of the
    precursor of carbon black--C2H2 have certain. we found that the lean
    burn can also reduce soot formation, but also reduce
    the pollution emission of ethylene combustion products CO. In
    addition, the study found CO2 on the CH2O, CH3OH, CH2CO,CH3CHO these
    toxic substances that the intermediate product of ethylene combustion
    have different degrees of influence.
    Keywords Ethylene flame CO2 dilution gas Combustion characteristics
    目 次
    1 绪论.1
    1.1 课题研究背景及意义.1
    1.2 国内外研究现状.2
    2 课题研究的问题及采用的手段.7
    2.1 研究的问题和内容.7
    2.2 拟采用的研究手段.7
    3 计算方法.8
    3.1 CHEMKIN软件简介8
    3.2 CHEMKIN软件的结构8
    3.3 CHEMKIN软件的使用9
    4 结果与讨论.11
    4.1 火焰工况.11
    4.2 实验结果分析.11
    1 绪论
    1.1 课题研究背景及意义
    境保护政策,但是效果似乎难以让人乐观。2013 年那些不断的雾霾天气为中国又一次
    传统能源对外依存度正逐年上涨,其中原油对外依存度在 2013 年更是达到 57.39%。
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