    关键词  MTV红外诱饵  确定配比  不同粒度  红外辐射强度  火焰结构
    Title    Structural analysis of infrared decoy agents flame burning
    This paper first describes the relevant content infrared decoy agent and introduced Mg/Teflon/Viton(MTV) physical and chemical properties of each component and its role infrared decoy agents,the use of the combustion mechanism of MTV infrared radiation bait,determine compliance subject requirement ratio.After determining the ratio of magnesium powder with different particle size (100mesh,200mesh,400mesh) particle size and the type of polytetrafluoroethylene(60mesh,80mesh),according to the ratio,after the dissolution of the drug mixing,over after screening,drying,pressure medicine series of operations,six sets of samples prepared,and the sample pided into several parts.Finally OPAG33 Fourier transform infrared spectrometer telemetry and high-speed video camera was used to detect infrared radiation intensity of each sample and its combustion flame structure,by comparing the intensity of infrared radiation and flame structures of different size,granularity and a preliminary understanding of the raw materials infrared radiation intensity and the relationship between the structure of the flame.
    Keywords  MTV infrared decoy   Determine the ratio   Different size   Infrared radition intensity   Flame structure
    目  录
    1 引言    1
    1.1研究背景及意义    1
    1.3红外诱饵剂的技术要求及其光学性质    2
    1.4红外诱饵剂的类型    3
    1.5红外诱饵剂的发展趋势    4
    2 配方设计理论    5
    2.1配方设计的依据    5
    2.2各个组分的性质及其作用    6
    3 实验过程及现象    8
    3.1实验材料以及实验器材    8
    3.2实验器材简介    8
    3.3实验步骤及过程    10
    3.4实验过程中红外诱饵剂的混药、造粒以及干燥    12
    3.5实验现象    13
    3.6对实验现象的分析    15
    3.7实验记录及结果    16
    3.8实验改进    18
    3.9实验设想    18
    结   论    20
    致  谢    21
    参考文献    22
    1 引言
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