    Design of the box type salting-out kettle
    Abstract:Box type salting-out kettle is one of the key equipment in the process of chemical production. The salting-out reaction, generally refers to adding inorganic salts in the solution and reduce some substance solubility and precipitation process. The sealing device can adopt mechanical seal, packing seal, seal structure. Heating, cooling the jacket, half pipe, coil, Miller plate structure, heating methods: steam, electric heating, heat conducting oil, to meet the needs of process of acid, high temperature resistant, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance and other different working environment, but also can according to user requirements for the design, manufacture technology.. The stirrer has anchored, frame type, paddle type, turbine type, scraper type, combination type, rotary mechanism can adopt the cycloid pin wheel reducer, stepless reducer or frequency control, can meet the special requirements of the reaction of various materials.
    Key Words:Pressure vessel; reactor; salting-out reaction: stirrer;

    目  录
    1 绪论    1
      1.1 课题介绍    1
      1.2 国内外研究进展及主要成果    1
      1.3 反应釜发展趋势    1
      1.4 本课题主要研究内容    2
    2 框式盐析釜总体结构的设计    3
      2.1 原始数据及工艺条件的确定    3
      2.2 釜体几何尺寸计算    3
        2.2.1釜体材料的选取    3
        2.2.2 筒体内径Di的确定    3
        2.2.3 确定筒体高度    4
        2.2.4 封头的选型    4
      2.3 夹套几何尺寸计算    5
        2.3.1夹套材料的选取    5
        2.3.2夹套内径的确定    5
        2.3.3 夹套高度计算    5
        2.3.4 夹套传热面积校核    6
    3 反应釜的强度计算    7
      3.1 按内压计算筒体及夹套厚度    7
        3.1.1 筒体、封头壁厚计算及校核    7
        3.1.2 夹套、封头壁厚计算和校核    8
      3.2 按外压校核筒体厚度    8
      3.3 水压试验及应力校核    10
        3.3.1 筒体、封头水压试验校核    10
        3.3.2 夹套水压试验校核    10
    4 搅拌装置的选型与尺寸设计    12
      4.1 搅拌轴直径的初步计算    12
        4.1.1 搅拌轴直径的设计    12
        4.1.2 搅拌轴刚度的校核    12
      4.2 搅拌抽临界转速校核计算    12
      4.3 搅拌桨的选型、设计    12
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