    摘要:邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)污染土壤的修复方法主要包括生物物理化学等方法。化学高级氧化修复技术因其氧化能力强、修复效率高而越来越受到关注。本文以某化工企业搬迁后遗留的邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯(DEHP)污染土壤为研究对象,对其进行化学高级氧化实验来降低DEHP的污染。先使用高效液相色谱仪测出污染土壤中DEHP的全量。再采用对照实验的方法,研究氧化剂种类、氧化剂浓度以及反应温度对污染土样中DEHP降解效率的影响,并对DEHP降解动力学进行拟合,比较不同温度下DEHP的降解效率。结果表明,在土壤溶液pH值为8.06,土水比1:2,温度为308K,氧化剂使用4mmol•g-1 Fe2+/Na2S2O8时,DEHP降解率最大。同时二级反应更符合Fe2+/Na2S2O8对DEHP的降解反应。最后还对实验研究中可能出现的问题提出了可行性的解决方法并展望了今后高级氧化技术的研究方向。25395
    Study on Chemical Oxidation Repair of Contaminated Soil with Phthalate Esters
    Abstract:Remediation of Phthalates (PAEs) contaminated soil include biological, physical, chemical and other methods. Chemical advanced oxidation repair technology as a strong oxidation capacity, high efficiency of remediation of polluted soil remediation technology gets more and more attention. This article is based on the DEHP contaminated soil left after the relocation of a chemical enterprise which will be restored by chemical advanced oxidation experiment to reduce the pollution of DEHP. In the first, total amount of DEHP in the soil is measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Then the influence of type of oxidizing agent, concentration of oxidizing agent and reaction temperature on the degradation rate DEHP is studied by Control experiment. The result shows that the degradation rate is the highest when pH value of soil solution is 8.06, ratio of soil to water is 1: 2, temperature is 308 k and the oxidizing agent is Fe2 + / Na2S2O8 which concentration is 4 mmol • g-1. At the same time, the second-order reaction is more consistent with Fe2 + / Na2S2O8 degradation reaction to DEHP. Finally, putting forward viable solutions to some problems that may arise in experimental research and prospecting the research direction of advanced oxidation repair technology.
    Key words: phthalate; oxidative degradation; high performance liquid chromatography
    摘要    3
    Abstract    3
    引言    3
    材料与方法    2
    1.1  仪器及试剂    4
    1.1.1  实验仪器    4
    1. 1. 2  试剂及标准溶液    5
    1.2  实验方法    5
    1. 2. 1  实验流程    5
    1. 2. 2  测试方法    5
    2  过程分析与结果处理    6
    2.1  不同氧化剂浓度对邻苯二甲酸酯降解效果的影响    6
    2.2  不同温度对邻苯二甲酸酯降解效果的影响    8
    2.3  氧化动力学研究    9
    3   结论    11
    4  展望    11
    致谢    12
    参考文献    12
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