    关键词:芳烃抽提装置;板式塔;有限元;提馏塔 毕业论文
    The design of the stripping tower
    of Aromatics extraction unit

    Abstract: The tower is widely used in critical production equipment of the chemical, oil and other industries. The main subject of the aromatics extraction unit designed stripping tower. Hydrocarbon extraction unit is a use of the principle of extractive distillation to pyrolysis gasoline hydrogenation of aromatics-rich and redepentanizer oil as raw material, using sulfolane as solvent, liquid-liquid extraction, the use of liquid-liquid extraction and pumping mention a hydrocarbon mixture, distilling aromatic and non-aromatic hydrocarbons separated to obtain benzene, toluene, o-xylene, mixed xylene, etc. of the device. The main subject of the design according to the given conditions of the stripping tower structure design, material selection, strength and stability calculations, component design choice for davit lifting lugs, trays, equipment, flange, platforms and escalators a plate tower components such design choices. Finally, the finite element software for finite element analysis of the distillation column, distillation test loads in the wind meets the strength requirements.

    Keywords: aromatics extraction unit; plate tower; finite element; stripping tower
    1 绪论    5
    1.1 课题介绍    5
    1.1.1 芳烃抽提装置概述    5
    1.1.2 塔设备概述    6
    1.1.3 课题任务    6
    1.2 文献综述    6
    1.2.1 塔设备的类型选择    6
    1.2.2 筛板塔简介    7
    1.2.3 塔设备的材料选择    8
    1.3 研究意义    9
    1.3.1 发展筛板塔的意义    9
    1.3.2 筛板塔应用的意义    10
    1.4 国内外提馏塔、塔设计的研究进展与主要成果    10
    1.4.1 国内外提馏塔的研究进展与主要成果    10
    1.4.3筛板塔在工业中的应用    11
    1.4.4 筛板塔的复合性能    12
    1.5 毕业设计内容    12
    1.5.1 塔型的选择    13
    1.5.2 塔设备主要结构尺寸的确定    13
    1.5.3 塔盘型式设计    13
    1.5.4 塔盘结构设计    13
    1.5.5 塔盘的机械计算    14
    1.5.6 塔盘的支承结构    14
    1.5.7 塔设备强度设计和稳定校核    14
    2 塔内件设计    14
    2.1 总体结构    15
    2.2 塔盘    15
    2.3 人孔    16
    2.4 降液管    17
    2.5 溢流堰    18
    2.6 设备接管    18
    2.6.1 进料管    18
    2.6.2 出料管    19
    2.6.3 进气管    19
    2.7 平台及扶梯    20
    2.8 管法兰    20
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