    关键词  α-氟烯烃酮  硫杂迈克尔加成  三氟甲基化   脱酰化
    Title  Synthesis and application of α-fluor-α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds                   
    Nowadays, organofluorine compounds have aroused considerable interest in academic due to their growing importance in drug development. In particular, α-fluoro-α,β-unsaturated esters (or ketones), as precursors to lots of biologically active compounds, have become the topic focus from the 90s.
    In this paper, a kind of α-fluoro-α,β-unsaturated ketones is prepared through the deacylation process, using 2-fluoro-1,3-dione as the starting material. A high yield is achieved without expensive catalyst or harsh reaction conditions.
    With the α-fluoro-α,β-unsaturated ketone prepared above, the futher study about thia-michael addition of α-fluoroolefins and thiols is carried out in many ways.
    The main investigation objects for it, including the kind and amount of catalyst, reaction temperature and time, etc. Finally, the optimal reaction condition is explored, and applied to different kinds of sulfur.
    Trifluoromethylation of 1,3-dione is also discussed.2-trifluoromethyl-1,3-dione is used for study of deacylation.
    Keywords  α-fluoroolefins  Thia-Michael addition   Deacylation trifluoromethylation
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 氟原子的特殊性    1
    1.2 几种α-氟烯烃酯(酮)药物    2
    1.3 α-氟烯烃酮(酯)类化合物的合成方法    2
    1.4 Thia-Michael加成反应    7
    1.5 本论文研究思路    10
    2 α-氟烯烃酮的制备    12
    2.1 引言    12
    2.2 实验试剂及仪器    12
    2.3 实验部分    13
    2.4 分析与讨论    14
    2.5 本章小结    14
    3 α-氟烯烃酮与硫化物的Thia-Michael加成反应    16
    3.1 引言    16
    3.2 试剂与仪器    16
    3.3 α-氟烯烃酮Thia-Michael加成反应的一般步骤    17
    3.4 分析与讨论    17
    3.5 本章小结    20
    4 三氟甲基化β-二酮的脱酰化过程    21
    4.1 引言    21
    4.2 试剂与仪器    22
    4.3 2-卤-1,3-二苯基-1,3-丙二酮的制备    23
    4.4 卤化物的三氟甲基化过程    24
    4.5 分析与讨论    24
    4.6 本章小结    25
    结  论    26
    致  谢    27
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