
    In view of the fact that there is a variety of toxic substances in coking plant wastewater and has great harm to the ecological environmental, social, human, agriculture, if the wastewater is not undergo any treatment and direct discharge to the outside world, and for the entire ecological environment will form a great harm, this paper combines the actual processing of coking plant wastewater design a set of coking wastewater treatment process.
    The design tasks: a coking plant with an annual output of about 1.2 million tons of coke, the wastewater generated by its total water mixed about 60m3 / h. Sewage Water CODcr: ~ 3000mg / L, BOD5: ~ 800mg / L of volatile phenol: ~ 350mg / L, cyanide: ~ 10mg / L, NH3-N: ~ 160mg / L, oil: ~ 28mg / L. OK coking wastewater treatment technology are feasible and economical, external drainage requirements in line with "coke chemical pollutant discharge standard" (GB16171-2012) in direct emission standards. Namely: CODcr: ≤80mg / L, volatile phenol: ≤0.3mg / L, cyanide: ≤0.2mg / L, NH3-N: ≤10mg / L, oil: ≤10mg / L, pH: 6 ~ 9
    In order to be able to discharge sewage, the design uses anaerobic - anoxic - aerobic (A / A / O method) Process coking wastewater. Sewage treatment process is as follows: Coking wastewater flows generated by the production workshop grill room, to the set of wells, after entering the grease traps, regulation pool, flotation tank pretreatment process after AAO reaction tank, and then into the secondary sedimentation pool precipitation, then enter the coagulation sedimentation, and finally into the pool after the chlorine disinfection disinfection emissions.
    The design drawings include: floor plan, elevation layout, sewage treatment process flow diagram, AAO reaction cell, stratospheric secondary settling tank, flotation tank, vortex coagulation tank, sludge thickener.
    KeyWords:coking wastewater;AAO;denitrification;air flotation
    某焦化废水处理工艺设计    2
    目录    5
    1绪论    1
    1.1 设计任务    1
    1.2采用的设计标准    1
    2处理工艺选择    2
    2.1工艺对比分析    2
    2.1.1 物化法    2
    2.1.2 生化法    3
    2.2 处理工艺的确定    5
    2.3 工艺流程说明    6
    3主要工艺说明    7
    3.1预处理构筑物    7
    3.1.1 格栅    7
    3.1.2 集水井    7
    3.1.3 平流式隔油池    8
    3.1.4 调节池    8
    3.1.5 平流式气浮池    9
    3.2 厌氧池    9
    3.3 缺氧池    10
    3.4 好氧池    10
    3.5 平流式二沉池    11
    3.6 涡流混凝沉淀池    11
    3.7 消毒池    12
    3.8 污泥浓缩池    12
    4总体布置    13
    4.1 平面布置    13
    4.1.1 污水处理厂平面布的原则    13
    4.1.2 污水处理厂的平面布置    13
    4.2 高程布置    14
    4.2.1 高程的布置原则    14
    4.2.2 高程布置计算    14
    5 劳动定员及其附属构筑物    17
    5.1 劳动定员    17
    5.2 附属构筑物    17
    5.2.1 综合楼    17
    5.2.2 配电间    17
    5.2.3 鼓风机房    17
    6主要设备    19
    6.1 隔油池    19
    6.2 气浮池    19
    7 工程经济其技术经济分析    21
    7.1 运行成本概算    21
    8 环境保护、消防和职业安全卫生    23
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