    毕业论文关键词: 化学除油;中低温;表面活性剂
     chemical degreasing process in the medium and low temperature
    Abstract:This paper introduces the use of alkali solution in addition to the principle of oil on the surface of the steel for removal of oil product in the medium and low temperature, wo can get simple process operation and short processing time. Review the low-temperature alkaline chemical in addition to the development and research status of the oil, technology is a single factor test method and the combination of beaker test and the basic ingredients: sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, phosphoric acid, sodium, peregal, fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether (AEO), alkyl phenol polyoxyethylene ether (TX-10). The effect of different parameters, such as the composition of the basic liquid, the time and temperature of the experiment, on the efficiency of oil removal was judged by different parameters.. The oil removal time was 3 min, the oil temperature was 50 to 60. According to the surface of the iron and steel after the oil test piece to determine whether the surface of the oil removal is the best technology.
    KeyWords: chemical degreasing;medium and low temperature ;surfactant
    1. 引言  1
    1.1 课题的概况和研究意义 1
    1.2 课题研究的内容和目的 2
    1.3 课题在国内、外研究的情况和发展趋势2
    1.4 课题主要技术要求 4
    2. 化学除油工艺原理  6
    2.1 皂化作用  6
    2.2 乳化作用 7
    2.3 分散作用 7
    2.4 渗透作用  8
    2.5 增溶作用 8
    3. 工艺研究方法  9
    3.2.1 钢铁表面性能试验方法9
    4. 实验研究 10
    4.1 实验仪器、试剂、材料 10
    4.2 工艺组成确定 10
    4.3 除油液的配制 10
    4.3.1 除油基础液的配制 10
    4.3.2 添加剂的配制 10
    4.4 除油操作 10
    5. 实验结果 12
    5.1 实验结果 12
    5.2.2 添加剂 13
    5.3 工艺条件的影响19
    5.3.1 温度 19
    5.3.2 时间 20
    5.4 工艺性能 20
    5.4.1 溶液性能 20
    6. 结论 21
    7. 谢辞 22
    8. 参考文献 23
    1  引言
    1.1 课题的概况及研究意义
    在表面处理行业之中,对零件表面进行清洗是不可缺少的步骤,无论是在进行电镀、磷化,还是氧化等表面处理步骤之前,这样才能够获得质量较好的镀层、磷化膜和氧化膜等,这也是为了确保能够获得质量较好的后续工艺。这是因为镀件表面,除了有污物及缺陷外,对镀层表面本身的材料表面含有碳,硅,钙等,经脱脂氧化物,酸洗过程中会产生黑色标记,加工变质层和微裂纹等现象。由于各种材料的基体性质各有不同,但在电镀之前做适当的清洗步骤是必要的,这样才能保证后续工艺中得到的镀层更细致,提高光泽度,连续性较好[1]。以上这些在电镀时,会造成镀层的结合力不良等问题,因此钢铁零件电镀前必须除油,镀金属或者喷涂前处理除油是保证涂装质量的重要手段之一 。
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