
    2.In the electrostatic protection experiment, I change the way of the sample foot line and shell accessing to the circuit, and observe the results. The results show that: the electrostatic protective effect of connecting the bulb and the positive pole, connecting the foot line to the negative pole,is stronger than the foot line and the positive power supply connection, as well as the envelope and the negative power supply connection.
    3.In static protection experiment,layers of carbon crystal paper are applied in numbers of 1,3,5 respectively between foot shell, to measure the resistance value, and to contrast the results. The results showed that: coating 1 layer or 5 layers of carbon crystal paper affect the original EED impact resistance greater than 3 layers of carbon crystal paper.However, with three-layer coating of carbon crystal paper, the effect of electrostatic protection is stronger than 1 or 5- layer coating. Then the sample tube shell of 3-layer carbon crystal paper is lengthened, then five rounds are taken to do the same experiment.Results show that: after shell extension,effect of the carbon crystal paper on original EED resistance is more significant, but the results of the ESD protection show no effect.
    4.In static protection experiment, the carbon crystal slurry was applied between the foot shell, measuring quality change and insulation resistance before and after. The results show that: the carbon crystal slurry coating can significantly affect the resistance of former EED, but electrostatic protection is ineffective, and the mass of carbon crystal slurry has no effect on static protection.
    5.In static protection experiment, ESD5B5V and ESD5B6V, the two electrostatic suppressors, are connected in parallel between the foot shells and the results are compared. The results show that: electrostatic suppressor significantly affects the resistance of the original EED, and it has the best ESD protection. The protective effect of two static suppressors is without distinction. Then I change the series resistance and do the same experiment again.Results show that: the series resistance change has no effect on electrostatic protection against electrostatic suppressor.
    6.In static protection experiment, without any protective devices, experiments results are contrasted. The results show that: part of EED itself has electrostatic protection. Then the envelope is shortened to the same length as the SCB bridge ceramic plug.  Then do the same experiment again. The results showed that: shorten the length of shell had no effect on electrostatic protective effect on shell itself.
    7.According to the experiments,we can see that static suppressor has the best effect on static electricity protection.Then we take two ESD5B5V and two, ESD5B6V electrostatic suppressors and connect them in parallel between the EED foot shells.But the experiment is not contrasted with electrostatic suppressor ignition experiment. The results showed that: the two types of static suppressors can make ignition performance of SCB EED become sensitive, but the impact of ESD5B6V ignition performance is relatively smaller.
    Keywords SCB, foot - shell, electrostatic protection, carbon crystal paper, carbon crystal slurry, static suppressors, ignition performance
    目 录
    摘  要Ⅰ
    1    绪论•1
    1.1 研究目的及意义1
    1.2 半导体桥火工品(SCB)简介•1
    1.3 静电的产生及其危害2
    1.4 半导体桥火工品静电防护简介4
    1.5     几种常用的半导体桥火工品防静电器件5
    1.6 半导体桥火工品的展望7
    1.7 本文的主要研究内容8
    2 半导体桥火工品脚-壳间抗静电技术研究•9
    2.1 样品的制备9
    2.2 碳晶导电纸对半导体桥火工品脚-壳间静电防护的影响10
    2.3 碳晶浆对半导体桥火工品脚-壳间静电防护的影响14
    2.4 静电抑制器对半导体桥火工品脚-壳间静电防护的影响15
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