    摘要为了探索其它气体灭火剂引入HFC-125后对HFC-125灭火效能的影响,本论文选用N2作为外来气体灭火剂,93#汽油火为典型火焰类型,采用杯式燃烧试验法为实验研究手段,通过改变N2/ HFC-125体积比,来测量混合气体的灭火浓度。借鉴前人建立的混合气体灭火浓度预估算法,开展N2/ HFC-125体系灭火浓度的理论估算。结果表明,HFC-125和N2组成的混合灭火剂具有良好的灭火协同效应,少量的HFC-125引入N2中,能大幅提高其灭火效率;但这种协同效应随着HFC-125摩尔含量的增大而逐步减弱。采用理论预估得到的混合灭火介质的灭火浓度值与实验值符合较好。5741
    关键词  HFC-125 N2 灭火浓度 协同作用 混合气体
    Title   A Study of Fire Extinguishing Effectiveness of  Mixture Gas Fire Extinguishing Agent Based on HFC-125                               
    In order to explore other gas fire extinguishing introducing HFC-125 to the HFC-125 fire fighting potency influence,this paper selects N2 as a foreign gas fire extinguishing agent,the 93# gasoline fire as the typical flame type,the cup burning test method as the experimental research methods,by changing N2/HFC-125 volume ratio,to measure the extinguishing concentration of the gas mixture.Learn from the previous establishment of the mixed gas extinguishing concentration prediction algorithm,
    carried out a theoretical estimate of the N2/HFC-125 system extinguishing concentration. The results show that, HFC-125 and N2 mixture composed of fire extinguishing agent has a good fire-fighting synergies effect, and a small amount of HFC-125 introduction of N2 can lead to a substantial increase in the efficiency of extinguishing fire;but this synergistic effect is gradually weakened with the HFC-125 increase of the molar concentration.The media fire extinguishing concentration values of mixed extinguishing agent obtained by theoretical prediction fits to the experimental values.
    Keywords    HFC-125   N2   extinguishing concentration   synergy mixture gas  
    目    录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1    研究意义及背景    1
    1.2 国内外研究概况及发展趋势    2
    1.2.1  HFC-125的制备工艺    2
    1.2.2  HFC-125的综合性能    2
    1.2.3 HFC-125的应用现状    4
    1.2.4 HFC-125的发展趋势    4
    1.3 本论文的工作    5
    2 灭火浓度测定装置及试验方法    6
    2.1 试验装置    6
    2.2 试验步骤[13]    7
    2.3 本章小结    8
    3混合气体灭火介质的理论计算模型    9
    3.1混合气体灭火浓度和协同作用因子的理论计算模型[15]    9
    3.1.1 惰性气体灭火介质灭火浓度的计算模型    9
    3.1.2 卤烃灭火介质的灭火浓度计算模型    10
    3.1.3 卤烃和惰性气体混和情况下灭火浓度计算模型    12
    3.1.4 卤烃与惰性气体混合灭火介质协同作用因子的计算模型    12
    3.2 本章小结    13
    4 HFC-125与氮气混合气体灭火的实验研究    14
    4.1 HFC-125与氮气混合灭火介质对火焰的作用    14
    4.1.1 混合灭火介质对火焰的动态抑制过程    14
    4.1.2 不同HFC-125摩尔含量的混合气体对火焰温度的影响    14
    4.2 HFC-125的摩尔含量对混合气体灭火效率的影响    16
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