    摘要TiO2纳米管自从被发现以来就受到广泛关注,与其他纳米结构相比,二氧化钛纳米管具有更大的比表面积和更强的吸附能力。利用化学方法制备高度有序、形貌规则的管径均一,长度、层数可控的TiO2纳米管,将具有重大的科研及现实意义。本文通过将钛箔片在不同聚乙二醇(PEG)含量的电解液中,进行阳极氧化制备得到TiO2纳米管,借助扫描电镜(SEM)对 TiO2纳米管的形貌进行表征。研究表明,TiO2纳米管的管长和管径随电压的升高而增加,管径与电压成线性关系;聚乙二醇含量增加,管长先增后减,管径不断减小,当聚乙二醇质量分数为4%时,管长最长,表面形貌也较规则。另外,本文还分析研究了纳米管阳极氧化化制备过程中温度的影响。33927
    毕业论文关键词: TiO2纳米管 阳极氧化 管径 聚乙二醇 电解液
    Title  PreparaTiOn of TiO2 nanotubes in polymer soluTiOn
    Since titania nanotubes had been discovered, they have been paid attenTiOn extensively. Compared with other nanostructures, titania nanotubes have bigger specific surface area and better adsorpTiOn property. It is of great scientific value and realistic meaning to research the chemical preparaTiOn process of titania nanotubes with highly ordered and regular shape, by which the diameter, length and layer number of titania nanotubes can be controlled effectively.In this paper, Ti foil was anodized in electrolyte with different polyethylene glycol (PEG) contents to prepare titania nanotubes. And then the apparent morphology of titania nanotubes was researched through scanning electron microscope (SEM). Research shows that the length and diameter of titania nanotubes increase with the rise of voltage. And the relaTiOnship between diameter and voltage is linear. When PEG content increase, the length of titania nanotubes firstly increased and then decreased, while the diameter decrease. When the PEG content in electrolyte was 4%, the titania nanotubes prepared were longest and the apparent morphology was more regular.In addiTiOn, this paper has also researched the influence of temperature in the anodizing process.
    Key words: Titania nanotubes, anodic oxidaTiOn, diameter, polyethylene glycol,electrolyte.
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    1.1 研究背景1
    1.2 国内外研究现状2
    1.3 研究内容及方法6
    1.4 学位论文框架6
    2 实验部分8
    2.1 实验原料与设备8
    2.2 钛箔预处理9
    2.3 TiO2纳米管的制备9
    3 结果讨论11
    结论  24
    致谢 26
    1 绪论
    1.1 研究背景
       纳米材料是指它的特征尺寸已达到了纳米级的尺度,因而具有了特殊的物理、化学特性的材料。根据其三文尺寸在空间中所处的纳米级尺度范围的文数,可将纳米材料分为:零文、一文、二文。所谓的一文纳米材料,是指其三文特征尺寸里只有某一文不是处于纳米级,比如只有长度方向尺寸非纳米级的纳米丝、纳米管等。从1991年Sumio Lijima[1]在实验室成功制备了二氧化碳纳米管之后,纳米管以其独特的结构和新颖的物理化学性能吸引了各个领域的学者对其进行研究,研究内容主要是各种材料制备成纳米管的方法、各种纳米管材料的特性研究、改性研究以及材料应用等方面。在过去研究的各种各样纳米管材料中,TiO2是得到最热烈讨论和热切关注的材料之一。
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