    摘要:近些年来随着人们生活质量的提高,人们开始更多的关注皮肤衰老这个全人类都存在的问题。保护皮肤,延缓皮肤衰老是很多人的梦想,因此绿色抗衰老产品的开发和应用是化妆品行业的一个重要课题。本课题通过研究皮肤老化形成的真正原因,选取天然绿茶提取物茶多酚作为原料,研制绿色防衰老化妆品的配方。在本课题的实验中,用传统抗衰老配方和加入茶多酚的绿色抗衰老配方进行对比,证明茶多酚应用于抗衰老化妆品的可行性。此外还加入纳米氧化锌,尝试了纳米化妆品的效果;并在以上基础上对配方进行了优化,得到了最佳配方:十八醇6.0g,甘油10g,异丙醇1.5g,三乙醇胺0.5g,曲拉通X-100 20g,防腐剂0.25克,香精0.25克,芦荟胶1g,茶多酚1g,水8g,乙醇1.5g。34437
    Development and application of green anti aging cosmetics
    Abstract:In recent years, with the improvement of people's life quality, people begin to pay more attention to the problem that the whole human beings have all human beings.To protect the skin and delay skin aging is a dream for many people, so the development and application of the green anti-aging product is an important topic in the cosmetic industry.. Through the research of the real cause of skin aging, the selection of natural green tea polyphenols as the raw material to develop the green anti-aging cosmetics is studied.. In the experiment of this subject, the traditional anti-aging formula and the green anti-aging formula of tea polyphenols were used to prove the feasibility of tea polyphenols applied to anti-aging cosmetics.In addition to nano zinc oxide, an attempt was made to the effect of nano cosmetics; and on the basis of the above formulation was optimized, and obtained the optimal formula: octadecanol 6.0g, glycerol 10g, isopropanol 1.5g, triethanolamine 0.5g, Triton X-100 20g, 0.25 grams of preservatives, flavor 0.25 g, aloe glue 1g, 1g of tea polyphenols, water 8g ethanol 1.5g.
    Keywords:green,anti—aging,tea polyphenols,formulation,nanometer zinc oxide,optimization
    1.绪论    1
    1.1化妆品    2
    1.1.1化妆品的作用    2
    1.1.2化妆品的分类    2
    1.2绿色化妆品    3
    1.2.1绿色化妆品的要求    3
    1.2.2绿色抗衰老化妆品现状    4
    1.3皮肤老化的原理和分析    6
    1.3.1皮肤老化的原因    6
    1.3.2皮肤老化的表现    6
    1.3.3皮肤老化的机理    6
    1.3.4真皮层老化的原因    7
    1.4抗衰老物质    8
    1.4.1抗衰老物质的分类    8
    1.4.2植物提取物在抗衰老化妆品中的应用    8
    1.4.3茶多酚    9
    1.5纳米化妆品    9
    1.5.1 纳米化妆品技术原理    9
    1.5.2 纳米化妆品的作用    9
    1.5.3纳米氧化锌的制备    10
    1.6本文创新点    11
    2.实验材料与设备    11
    2.1.实验材料    12
    2.2.实验仪器    14
    3.实验步骤    14
    3.1纳米氧化锌的制备    15
    3.2化妆品的制备    15
    3.2.1.传统防衰老化妆品的制备    15
    3.2.2.绿色防衰老化妆品的制备    15
    3.2.3.纳米绿色防衰老化妆品的制备    16
    3.2.4.优化1绿色防衰老化妆品的制备    17
    3.2.5.优化2绿色防衰老化妆品的制备    18
    3.3防衰老效果测试    18
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